Solar and geomagnetic activity effects on the troposphere behaviour in winter 1981/1982
Bochníček, Josef; Hejda, Pavel; Huth, Radan
2007 - Czech
Tha association between the changes in solar/geomagnetic activity and changes in the lower atmosphere pressure, temperature and wind fields was analyzed for the Northern Hemisphere winter of 1981/1982. Byl analyzován vztah mezi změnami sluneční/geomagnetické aktivity a změnami atmosférického tlaku, teploty a větrných polí na severní polokouli v průběhu zimy roku 1981/1982.
geomagnetic activity; troposphere behaviour; solar activity
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Solar and geomagnetic activity effects on the troposphere behaviour in winter 1981/1982
Tha association between the changes in solar/geomagnetic activity and changes in the lower atmosphere pressure, temperature and wind fields was analyzed for the Northern Hemisphere winter of ...
Possible external factors influencing the occurrence of heart tachyarrhythmia
Střeštík, Jaroslav; Mikulecký, M.
2007 - Czech
The second author recorded during 24 years nearly 400 cases when he was attacked by heart tachyarrhythmia. This appeared during the years more often, in the last year as much as three cases in a month. Only weak dependence of arrhythmia attacks on the season or on the week has been found. Druhý z autorů zaznamenal během 24 let 400 případů, kdy byl postižen srdeční tachyarytmií. Toto se vyskytovalo v průběhu let stále častěji, poslední rok až třikrát do měsíce. Byla nalezena jen slabá závislost případů tachyarytmie na roční době nebo na dni v týdnu.
tachyarrhythmia; geomagnetic activity; solar activity
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Possible external factors influencing the occurrence of heart tachyarrhythmia
The second author recorded during 24 years nearly 400 cases when he was attacked by heart tachyarrhythmia. This appeared during the years more often, in the last year as much as three cases in a ...
Middle-term changes in the lengths of solar cycles
Střeštík, Jaroslav
2007 - Czech
In the published data of anuual sunspot numbers since 1500 and less reliable guesses of positions of minima and maxima of solar cycles since 200 B.C. middle-term changes in the cycle lenghts have been investigated. Data published by different authors differ considerably, the more the further to the past they go. Byly zkoumány střednědobé změny v délkách slunečních cyklů na základě publikovaných dat slunečních skvrn od r. 1500 a odhadů minim a maxim slunečních cyklů až k r. 200 před Kr. Data publikovaná různými autory se značně liší a to tím více, čím dále do minulosti zasahují.
solar cycles; middle-term changes; solar activity
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Middle-term changes in the lengths of solar cycles
In the published data of anuual sunspot numbers since 1500 and less reliable guesses of positions of minima and maxima of solar cycles since 200 B.C. middle-term changes in the cycle lenghts have been ...
Magnitude 3.3 Hronov earthquake on October 25, 2005
Zedník, Jan; Hudová, Zuzana
2007 - Czech
The Hronov region was hit by a moderate size earthquake of magnitude 3.3 on October 25, 2005. The depth of the hypocenter was estimated to 5 km. The shaking was felt by many people in 31 towns and villages in the region and caused minor damage on several buildings close to the epicenter. Dne 25. října 2005 v 10:58 SELČ udeřilo na Hronovsku tektonické zemětřesení o velikosti 3.3 na Richterově stupnici. Hloubka ohniska se odhaduje na 5 km. Otřes byl pocítěn ve 31 obcích v oblasti a způsobil mírné škody na několika budovách blízko epicentra.
earthquake; Hronov-Porici fault zone; seismological stations
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Magnitude 3.3 Hronov earthquake on October 25, 2005
The Hronov region was hit by a moderate size earthquake of magnitude 3.3 on October 25, 2005. The depth of the hypocenter was estimated to 5 km. The shaking was felt by many people in 31 towns and ...
Final report on the results of a project of the programme "Trvalá prosperita" funded by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic in the period 2006-2007
Myslil, V.; Stibitz, M.; Jiráková, H.; Fritschová, L.; Šafanda, Jan; Burda, J.; Brož, K.; Karous, M.; Landa, I.; Procházka, M.; Gregor, P.; Wolfbauer, J.; Kalaš, P.; Motlík, J.; Alinče, Z.; Spudil, J.; Pechar, T.; Mužák, J.; Sciranková, L.
2007 - Czech
The project has explored a potential of the Litoměřice geothermal structure. The structure had been forecasted as a suitable one for the geothermal energy exploitation by the previous geothermal research of the Bohemian Massif. Projekt řešil možnosti využití litoměřické geotermální struktury. Tato struktura byla vytipována jako vhodná na základě studií geotermálních poměrů českého masívu na území naší republiky.
geothermical structures; Litoměřice borehole; Bohemian Massif
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Final report on the results of a project of the programme "Trvalá prosperita" funded by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic in the period 2006-2007
The project has explored a potential of the Litoměřice geothermal structure. The structure had been forecasted as a suitable one for the geothermal energy exploitation by the previous geothermal ...
Detailed map of magnetic susceptibility of topsoils in the KRNAP region and correlation with heavy metals
Kapička, Aleš
2007 - Czech
This report presents detailed map of magnetic susceptibility of topsoils in the KRNAP region, its vertical distribution, and correlation with heavy metals. The data contribute to identification of local sources of pollution and delimitation of their impact. Tato zpráva prezentuje podrobnou mapu magnetické susceptibility povrchových půd v regionu KRNAP, její rozložení s hloubkou a korelaci s těžkými kovy. Data slouží k identifikaci lokálních zdrojů znečištění a vymezení jejich dosahu.
magnetic susceptibility; soils; mapping
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Detailed map of magnetic susceptibility of topsoils in the KRNAP region and correlation with heavy metals
This report presents detailed map of magnetic susceptibility of topsoils in the KRNAP region, its vertical distribution, and correlation with heavy metals. The data contribute to identification of ...
Symbolical Numeric Process for error transformation
Kolář, Petr
2007 - English
Rozklad MT je rutinní avšak nelineární postup, který nedovoluje aplikovat standardní vzorce pro šíření chyb. Proto byl vyvinut nový symbolicko numerický postup. A standard MT decomposition is routine but non-linear process which do not allowed apply standard errors transformation formulas. Therefore new symbolical numeric approach has been developed.
MATLAB program; Symbolical Numeric Processes; moment tensors
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Symbolical Numeric Process for error transformation
Rozklad MT je rutinní avšak nelineární postup, který nedovoluje aplikovat standardní vzorce pro šíření chyb. Proto byl vyvinut nový symbolicko numerický postup.
Long-term period of the solar activity lasting 106 years and its connection to the planets of the solar system
Čech, J.; Střeštík, Jaroslav
2007 - Czech
A secular period of solar activity lasting about 1172 years and its connection to heliocentric coordinates of the positions of the biggest planets of the solar system is being discussed. Je diskutována sekulární sluneční perioda o délce cca 1172 let a její souvislost s heliocentrickými souřadnicemi poloh nejvěžších planet sluneční soustavy.
solar cycles; planets; solar activity
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Long-term period of the solar activity lasting 106 years and its connection to the planets of the solar system
A secular period of solar activity lasting about 1172 years and its connection to heliocentric coordinates of the positions of the biggest planets of the solar system is being discussed.
Climatic change from the air temperature measurement in Prague-Klementinum during 230 years
Střeštík, Jaroslav; Rožnovský, J.
2007 - Czech
In the University campus Klementinum in Prague air temperatures have been recorded every day since 1775 till now without interruption. The regular increase of the average air temperature starting in the middle of the 19th century and lasting till now is clear, and the decrease in the first half of the 19th century as well. V univerzitním objektu Klementinum v Praze se měří teploty vzduchu každý den od r. 1775 bez přerušení. Jasný je pravidelný růst průměrné teploty vzduchu od poloviny 19. století do dneška a pokles teploty vzduchu v první polovině 19. století.
climatic change; air temperature; seasonal differences
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Climatic change from the air temperature measurement in Prague-Klementinum during 230 years
In the University campus Klementinum in Prague air temperatures have been recorded every day since 1775 till now without interruption. The regular increase of the average air temperature starting in ...
Report on the geothermal research in borehole GTPVLT-1 (Litoměřice) - appendix
Šafanda, Jan; Dědeček, Petr; Krešl, Milan; Čermák, Vladimír
2007 - Czech
The report provides detailed information about geothermal research in borehole GTPVLT-1 in the Czech Republic together with all graphic outputs. It includes (i) repeated temperature logs during and after the borehole drilling, (ii) measurements of thermal conductivity and diffusivity of the encountered rock samples, (iii) measurements of radioactive isotopes content of uranium, thorium and potassium in the encountered rock samples and calculation of their radiogenic heat production, (iv) determination of the terrestrial heat flow in the borehole and (v) prognosis of temperature expected down to the depth of 5 km. Zpráva shrnuje detailně výsledky geotermického výzkumu ve vrtu GTPVLT-1 u Litoměřic včetně veškeré grafické dokumentace. Přináší informace zejména o (i) opakovaných karotážích během hloubení vrtu i po jeho dokončení, (ii) měřeních tepelné a teplotní vodivosti na vzorcích hornin zastižených vrtem, (iii) měřeních obsahu radioaktivních izotopů uranu, thoria a draslíku na vzorcích hornin z vrtu a jejich radiogenní tepelné produkci, (iv) hodnotě zemského tepelného toku ve vrtu a (v) prognóze teploty do hloubky 5 km v místě vrtu
thermal conductivity and diffusivity of rocks; radiogenic heat production; borehole temperature logs
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Report on the geothermal research in borehole GTPVLT-1 (Litoměřice) - appendix
The report provides detailed information about geothermal research in borehole GTPVLT-1 in the Czech Republic together with all graphic outputs. It includes (i) repeated temperature logs during and ...
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