Henlein Uprising in Western Silesia 1938
Kolář, Ondřej
2023 - Czech
Slezsko; Nacismus; Henleinovské povstání; Retribuce; Mnichovská krize; Silesia; Nazism; Henlein Uprising; Retribution; Munich Crisis
Available in a digital repository NRGL
Henlein Uprising in Western Silesia 1938
National Security Corps in Silesia ant its Role in Solving Post-War Problems of the Region 1945–1948
Hlavienka, Lubomír; Kolář, Ondřej
2022 - Czech
Sbor národní bezpečnosti; Slezsko; Třetí Československá republika; Bezpečnost; Kriminalistika; National Security Corps; Silesia; Third Czechoslovak Republic; Security; Criminology
Available in a digital repository NRGL
National Security Corps in Silesia ant its Role in Solving Post-War Problems of the Region 1945–1948
In the Name of Socialism, in the Shadow of the Monarchy
Bachtík, Jakub; Johanidesová, Tereza; Uhlíková, Tereza; Giustino, Cathleen; Sklenář, Michal; Novotný, Michal; Mahringer, Paul; Lövai, Pál; Spikić, Marko; Janatková, Alena; Meulen, Marcus; Horáček, Martin; Gaži, Martin; Furkert, Alf; Kovařík, David; Radostová, Šárka
2022 - English
The collection of studies on the history of post-war monument care is based on the international conference Monuments and monument care in Czechoslovakia and other Central European countries during the second half of the 20th century, which took place in the spring of 2021. Selected contributions by authors from the Czech Republic, Germany, Austria, Croatia or Hungary map the institutional development of monument care in the countries of the former Habsburg Monarchy, a significant part of which was located on the eastern side of the Iron Curtain. The book thus offers not only a valuable comparison of the various systems of monument care within Central Europe, but also unusual material on the history of post-war European totalitarianism.
History of Monument Care; Heritage Care; Monument Protection; Pos-war History; History of Central Europe; Totalitarian Regimes
Available in a digital repository NRGL
In the Name of Socialism, in the Shadow of the Monarchy
The collection of studies on the history of post-war monument care is based on the international conference Monuments and monument care in Czechoslovakia and other Central European countries during ...
VERBA DOCENT (Current Methodology Possibilities and Good Practices of European Heritage Care) I
Michalčáková, Jana; Vácha, Zdeněk; Fischer, Manfred F.; Hellbrügge, Christoph; Jesenský, Vít; Keiser, Clemens
2022 - Czech
Jana Access to the widest possible range of information is the first precondition for the development of all specialised disciplines. Present-day heritage care and all the fields that shape it not only must reflect the national experience, but they must also be aware of the fact that they are part of the wider international context. Nevertheless, access to international sources can often be limited for various reasons. The National Heritage Institute decided to at least partially eliminate this obstacle through the newly established VERBA DOCENT series to make available significant foreign sources. The first modest undertaking is the presentation of three texts by German preservationists, covering about thirty years of the monument preservation discourse. The texts date from the late 20th and early 21st centuries, i.e. the time when at least from the end of the 1970s a need for the repeated return to the crucial issues of care for tangible cultural heritage decidedly emerged along with the questioning of approaches that had long been regarded as fixed and unchangeable. The featured works include Manfred F. Fischer’s reflection essay ‘How Long the Artworks Last?’, Christoph Hellbrügge’s article ‘Yes to Conservation, No to Restoration” – The Heritage Care Myth?’, and Clemens Kieser’s text ‘Secret Aesthetics of Heritage Care: Discovered and Invented Cultural Monuments’. The texts are introduced in German originals along with their Czech translations and accompanied by brief comments and portraits of the authors. Přístup k co nejširšímu spektru informací je prvním předpokladem pro rozvoj všech odborných disciplín. Současná památková péče a všechny obory, jež ji formují, musejí být nutně nejen reflexí národní zkušenosti, ale zároveň si musejí být také vědomy skutečnosti, že jsou součástí širšího, mezinárodního kontextu. Přístup k zahraničním zdrojům však často může být z mnoha důvodů limitující. Národní památkový ústav se proto rozhodl tuto překážku alespoň částečně odstranit nově založenou ediční řadou VERBA DOCENT, a přispět tak ke zpřístupnění podstatných zahraničních textů. Prvním skromným počinem je představení textů tří německých památkářů, generačně vstupujících do památkářského diskursu v rozpětí asi 30 let. Texty pocházejí z konce 20. a začátku 21. století, tedy z doby, kdy se stále, již nejpozději od 70. let minulého století, jednoznačně projevuje potřeba opětovného návratu k zásadním otázkám péče o hmotné kulturní dědictví i zpochybnění přístupů považovaných po dlouhou dobu za dané, neměnné. Manfred F. Fischer je představen úvahou „Jak dlouho trvají díla?“, Christoph Hellbrügge statí „Konzervovat ano, restaurovat ne“ – mýtus památkové péče? a Clemens Kieser textem Tajná estetika památkové péče: kulturní památky nalezené a vynalezené. Texty jsou zde představeny v německém originále spolu s českými překlady, provázenými stručnými komentáři a medailony autorů.
metody památkové péče; ochrana památek; restaurování a rekonstruování památek; Methods of Monument Care; Heritage Care; Monument Protection; Reconstruction and Restoration of Monuments
Available in a digital repository NRGL
VERBA DOCENT (Current Methodology Possibilities and Good Practices of European Heritage Care) I
Jana Access to the widest possible range of information is the first precondition for the development of all specialised disciplines. Present-day heritage care and all the fields that shape it not ...
Mimořádný lidový soud v Opavě a „velká“ retribuce v západním Slezsku 1945–1948
Kolář, Ondřej
2021 - Czech
retribuce; nacismus; druhá světová válka; soudnictví; Slezsko; Opava; retribution; nazism; World War II; justice; Silesia; Opava
Available in a digital repository NRGL
Mimořádný lidový soud v Opavě a „velká“ retribuce v západním Slezsku 1945–1948
Victory above postmodern
Dzeverin, Vladimír
2018 - Czech
Vítězné náměstí v Praze; Praha; postmodernismus; architektura; městská doprava podzemní; metro
Available in the NTK library.
Victory above postmodern
Enhancing scholarly communication
Görögh, Edith; Kędzierska, Edyta; Kavalchuk, Natalia; Stepniak, Jolanta; Dzivak, Jozef; Kožuch, Andrej; Pejšová, Petra; Vyčítalová, Hana
2015 - English
The publication describes the project Enhancing scholarly communication: National initiatives to manage research data in V4 countries. The main goal of the project was a survey about state of research data management, repository contents, services and archiving policies in colleges, universities and research institutions on national levels. The survey was conducted in Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic and Poland. Publikace představuje projekt „Rozšířená vědecká komunikace: Národní iniciativy v řízení výzkumných dat v zemích Visegrádské čtyřky“. Hlavním cílem projektu byl průzkum stavu řízení výzkumných dat, obsahu repozitářů, politiky služeb a archivace dat na vysokých školách a výzkumných ústavech.
výzkumná data; přidružené publikace; research data; enhanced publication; vědeckotechnická politika; vědecká komunikace; otevřený přístup
Available in the NTK library.
Enhancing scholarly communication
The publication describes the project Enhancing scholarly communication: National initiatives to manage research data in V4 countries. The main goal of the project was a survey about state of research ...
New Library Buildings in Europe
Svobodová, Mahulena; Niederer, Ulrich; Svoboda, Martin
2012 - English
This book brings together information about the latest, mostly academic library building projects from across Europe. New attractive buildings and huge renovation projects are presented in this tenth volume of the series established by Professor Elmar Mittler (former Director of the State and University Library Göttingen), who was the first chairman of the LIBER Architecture Group. The publication of this book coincides with the 16th LIBER Architecture Group Seminar, which takes place in Prague in April 2012. In addition to hearing about the latest developments in planning and design and offering visits to new library buildings, the Seminar provides an opportunity to debate ideas and meet colleagues from institutions across Europe. We believe that the projects in this book could help you in pursuing your own project.
architektura knihoven; LIBER LAG; výstavba NTK; library architecture; LIBER LAG; NTK construction; architektura; knihovny; budovy knihoven
Available in the NTK library.
New Library Buildings in Europe
This book brings together information about the latest, mostly academic library building projects from across Europe. New attractive buildings and huge renovation projects are presented in this tenth ...
New Library Buildings in Europe
Svobodová, Mahulena; Niederer, Ulrich; Svoboda, Martin
2012 - English
This book brings together information about the latest, mostly academic library building projects from across Europe. New attractive buildings and huge renovation projects are presented in this tenth volume of the series established by Professor Elmar Mittler (former Director of the State and University Library Göttingen), who was the first chairman of the LIBER Architecture Group. The publication of this book coincides with the 16th LIBER Architecture Group Seminar, which takes place in Prague in April 2012. In addition to hearing about the latest developments in planning and design and offering visits to new library buildings, the Seminar provides an opportunity to debate ideas and meet colleagues from institutions across Europe. We believe that the projects in this book could help you in pursuing your own project.
architektura knihoven; LIBER LAG; výstavba NTK; library architecture; LIBER LAG; NTK construction; architektura; knihovny; budovy knihoven
Available in the NTK library.
New Library Buildings in Europe
This book brings together information about the latest, mostly academic library building projects from across Europe. New attractive buildings and huge renovation projects are presented in this tenth ...
Zážehový motor vozidla Mazda RX-8
Černý, Martin
2011 - Czech
silniční vozidla; spalovací motory
Available in the NTK library.
Zážehový motor vozidla Mazda RX-8
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