Czech Gathering of Logicians 2022. Book of Abstracts
Haniková, Zuzana; Švejdar, V.; Wannenburg, Johann Joubert
2022 - anglický
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Czech Gathering of Logicians 2022. Book of Abstracts
MAT TRIAD 2019: Book of Abstracts
Bok, J.; Hartman, David; Hladík, M.; Rozložník, Miroslav
2019 - anglický
This volume contains the Book of abstracts of the 8th International Conference on Matrix Analysis and its Applications, MAT TRIAD 2019. The MATTRIAD conferences represent a platform for researchers in a variety of aspects of matrix analysis and its interdisciplinary applications to meet and share interests and ideas. The conference topics include matrix and operator theory and computation, spectral problems, applications of linear algebra in statistics, statistical models, matrices and graphs as well as combinatorial matrix theory and others. The goal of this event is to encourage further growth of matrix analysis research including its possible extension to other fields and domains.
Klíčová slova:
proceedings; conference; matrix analysis
Plné texty jsou dostupné na vyžádání prostřednictvím repozitáře Akademie věd.
MAT TRIAD 2019: Book of Abstracts
This volume contains the Book of abstracts of the 8th International Conference on Matrix Analysis and its Applications, MAT TRIAD 2019. The MATTRIAD conferences represent a platform for researchers ...
ITAT 2014. Information Technologies - Applications and Theory. Part I
Kůrková, Věra; Bajer, Lukáš
2014 - anglický
ITAT 2014. Information Technologies - Applications and Theory. Part I. Prague : Institute of Computer Science AS CR, 2014. 101 p. ISBN 978-80-87136-18-8. This volume is the first part of the two-volume proceedings of the 14th conference Information Technologies – Applications and Theory (ITAT 2014). The conference was held in Jasná, Demänovská Dolina, Slovakia, on September 25–29, 2014. ITAT is a computer science conference with the primary goal of exchanging information on recent research results between Czech and Slovak scientific communities, and it presents a platform for young researchers and PhD students to start new collaborations. This year, it was held in parallel with two collocated conferences Datakon and Znalosti with which it shared some invited plenary talks and a poster session. Overall, 51 papers were submitted to all conference tracks. This volume presents 16 papers of the main track, which were selected by the program committee based on at least two reviews by the program committee members. Papers from the three workshops and extended abstracts of posters are included in the second volume.
Klíčová slova:
computer science; machine-learning; computer linguistics; data-mining; bio-informatics; parallel processing
Plné texty jsou dostupné na vyžádání prostřednictvím repozitáře Akademie věd.
ITAT 2014. Information Technologies - Applications and Theory. Part I
ITAT 2014. Information Technologies - Applications and Theory. Part I. Prague : Institute of Computer Science AS CR, 2014. 101 p. ISBN 978-80-87136-18-8. This volume is the first part of the ...
ITAT 2014. Information Technologies - Applications and Theory. Part II
Kůrková, Věra; Bajer, Lukáš; Peška, L.; Vojtáš, P.; Holeňa, Martin; Nehéz, M.
2014 - anglický
ITAT 2014. Information Technologies - Applications and Theory. Part II. Prague : Institute of Computer Science AS CR, 2014. 145 p. ISBN 978-80-87136-19-5. This volume is the second part of the two-volume proceedings of the 14th conference Information Technologies – Applications and Theory (ITAT 2014), which was held in Jasná, Demänovská Dolina, Slovakia, on September 25–29, 2014. ITAT is a computer science conference with the primary goal of exchanging information on recent research results. Overall, 51 papers were submitted to all conference tracks. This volume presents papers from the workshops and an extended abstract of a poster. Three specialized workshops were held as a part of the conference: Data Mining and Preference Learning on Web, Computational Intelligence and Data Mining, and Algorithmic Aspects of Complex Networks Analysis.
Klíčová slova:
computer science; machine-learning; computer linguistics; data-mining; bio-informatics; parallel processing
Plné texty jsou dostupné na vyžádání prostřednictvím repozitáře Akademie věd.
ITAT 2014. Information Technologies - Applications and Theory. Part II
ITAT 2014. Information Technologies - Applications and Theory. Part II. Prague : Institute of Computer Science AS CR, 2014. 145 p. ISBN 978-80-87136-19-5. This volume is the second part of the ...
Hovory s informatiky 2012. Sborník studií
Klímová, Hana; Kuželová, Dana; Šíma, Jiří; Wiedermann, Jiří; Žák, Stanislav
2012 - český
Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři NUŠL
Hovory s informatiky 2012. Sborník studií
Doktorandské dny '12
Kuželová, Dana; Hakl, František
2012 - český
Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři NUŠL
Doktorandské dny '12
Doktorandské dny '11.
Kuželová, Dana; Hakl, František
2011 - český
Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři NUŠL
Doktorandské dny '11.
Hovory s informatiky 2011. Sborník studií
Klímová, Hana; Kuželová, Dana; Šíma, Jiří; Wiedermann, Jiří; Žák, Stanislav
2011 - český
Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři NUŠL
Hovory s informatiky 2011. Sborník studií
NCMPL 2011 Abstracts
Cintula, Petr; Ju, S.; Víta, Martin
2011 - anglický
This volume contains (extended) abstracts of all 6 invited and 25 contributed talks presented at the conference Non-Classical Modal and Predicate Logics which took place in Guangzhou, December 5-9, 2011. Modalities and predicates have since ancient time been central notions in logic. In the 20th century, various systems of non-classical logics have emerged, with applications in many disciplines like Computer Science, Linguistics, Mathematics, and Philosophy. This gave rise to the questions of non-classical treatment of quantification and modalities and their accommodation in these non-classical settings. In response, various modal and predicate variants of non-classical logics have been introduced and studied in the past decades. Although there are many good conferences on (mainly propositional) non-classical logics, this conference was solely dedicated to modal and predicate non-classical logics. Its aim was to bring together esearchers from various branches of non-classical logics, not only to present recent advances in their particular fields, but also to identify common problems and methods and foster the exchange of ideas between researchers from separate fields.
Klíčová slova:
non-classical logic; predicate logic; modal logic; intuitionistic logic; substructural logic; relevant logic; fuzzy logic; non-classical mathematics
Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři Akademie Věd.
NCMPL 2011 Abstracts
This volume contains (extended) abstracts of all 6 invited and 25 contributed talks presented at the conference Non-Classical Modal and Predicate Logics which took place in Guangzhou, December 5-9, ...
Metody umělé inteligence v geoinformatice
Voženílek, V.; Dvorský, J.; Húsek, Dušan
2011 - český
Kniha „Metody umělé inteligence v geoinformatice,“ (editoři: Voženílek, V. - Dvorský, J. - Húsek, D) vydaná Univerzitou Palackého v Olomouci (r. 2011. 184 s. ISBN 978-80-244-2945-8) je závěrečným výstupem projektu GAČR 205/09/1079 – „Metody umělé inteligence v GIS“. Cílem knihy bylo shrnout dosažené výsledky výzkumu v oblasti využití metod umělé inteligence při zpracování, vizualizaci a interpretaci prostorových informací v prostředí geografických informačních systémů. Projekt byl společnou výzkumnou aktivitou odborníků různých specializací z Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci a VŠB-Technické univerzity v Ostravě a Ústavu informatiky Akademie věd ČR zaměřenou na integraci metod používaných při řešení úloh umělé inteligence a metod zpracování prostorových dat, jejichž spolupráce je nezbytná pro rozvoj nových moderních výzkumných metod a technologií. The book "Artificial Intelligence Methods in geoinformatics", (editors: Voženílek, V. - Dvorsky, J. - Husek, D) issued by the University of Palacky in Olomouc (in 2011. 184 pp. ISBN 978-80-244-2945-8) is the final outcome of the project GACR 205/09/1079 - "Artificial intelligence methods in GIS." The aim of the book was to summarize the results of research on the application of artificial intelligence methods for processing, visualization and interpretation of spatial information in the area of geographic information systems. The project was a joint research activity of experts from various research fields of Palacky University in Olomouc, VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, and Institute of Computer Science, Academy of Sciences Czech Republic targeted to the integration of methods used in solving problems of artificial intelligence and methods of processing spatial data, whose integration is essential for the development of new modern research methods and technologies.
Klíčová slova:
geografie; geografické informační systémy; geometrizace problému; umělá inteligence; neuronové sítě; biologicky motivovaná výpočetní paradigmata; statistika; optimalizace
Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Metody umělé inteligence v geoinformatice
Kniha „Metody umělé inteligence v geoinformatice,“ (editoři: Voženílek, V. - Dvorský, J. - Húsek, D) vydaná Univerzitou Palackého v Olomouci (r. 2011. 184 s. ISBN 978-80-244-2945-8) je závěrečným ...
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