Počet nalezených dokumentů: 14
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The work of Sebastiao Salgado - Humanism, Document and Art.
Estevez, Lazaro; Silverio, Robert; Kolář, Viktor
2010 - anglický
The work of the Brazilian photographer Sebastiao Salgado is worldwide know. Exhibited all over the planet in photo galleries and street shows, published in book and magazines, his photographs have made their author a celebrity and a photographer who is not only labelled as a documentrary one, but the author of work that is certain times elevated to the category of art, dispayed in museums, and sought agter by art collectors. The work of the Brazilian photographer Sebastiao Salgado is worldwide know. Exhibited all over the planet in photo galleries and street shows, published in book and magazines, his photographs have made their author a celebrity and a photographer who is not only labelled as a documentrary one, but the author of work that is certain times elevated to the category of art, dispayed in museums, and sought agter by art collectors. Dostupné registrovaným uživatelům v digitálním repozitáři AMU
The work of Sebastiao Salgado - Humanism, Document and Art.

The work of the Brazilian photographer Sebastiao Salgado is worldwide know. Exhibited all over the planet in photo galleries and street shows, published in book and magazines, his photographs have ...

Estevez, Lazaro; Silverio, Robert; Kolář, Viktor
Akademie múzických umění v Praze, 2010

Soviet and postsoviet official portret
Ibrahimova, Sitara; Musilová, Helena; Kolář, Viktor
2010 - anglický
Beginning from the 20-th years of last century, Soviet republics, in fact, were ruled not by officials of soviet authorities (i.e.state), but by leaders of Bolshevik party and later - Communist party of Soviet Union. Author selected them for research. Od začátku dvacátých let 20. století Sovětská republika nebyla ovládána oficiální sovětskou vládou (tedy státem), ale vůdci Bolševické strany a později Komunistické strany SSSR. Autorka si je vybrala jako téma výzkumu. Dostupné registrovaným uživatelům v digitálním repozitáři AMU
Soviet and postsoviet official portret

Beginning from the 20-th years of last century, Soviet republics, in fact, were ruled not by officials of soviet authorities (i.e.state), but by leaders of Bolshevik party and later - Communist party ...

Ibrahimova, Sitara; Musilová, Helena; Kolář, Viktor
Akademie múzických umění v Praze, 2010

Photo Tampering
Egenes, Rune; Silverio, Robert; Kolář, Viktor
2010 - anglický
How secretly manipulated images can affect our personal environment and challenge our history and knowledge. How secretly manipulated images can affect our personal environment and challenge our history and knowledge. Dostupné registrovaným uživatelům v digitálním repozitáři AMU
Photo Tampering

How secretly manipulated images can affect our personal environment and challenge our history and knowledge....

Egenes, Rune; Silverio, Robert; Kolář, Viktor
Akademie múzických umění v Praze, 2010

La jetee - a photo roman
Loucaides, Andreas; Silverio, Robert; Grygar, Štěpán
2010 - anglický
La jetee 1962 is a film made by Chris Marker - also called photo roman - composed almost entirely by black and white Photographs. The effort would be to analyze and discuss this phenomenon, to explore the way in which the still photography interacts within different contexts than the pure photographic. La jetee 1962 is a film made by Chris Marker - also called photo roman - composed almost entirely by black and white Photographs. The effort would be to analyze and discuss this phenomenon, to explore the way in which the still photography interacts within different contexts than the pure photographic. Dostupné registrovaným uživatelům v digitálním repozitáři AMU
La jetee - a photo roman

La jetee 1962 is a film made by Chris Marker - also called photo roman - composed almost entirely by black and white Photographs. The effort would be to analyze and discuss this phenomenon, to ...

Loucaides, Andreas; Silverio, Robert; Grygar, Štěpán
Akademie múzických umění v Praze, 2010

Abram, Uroš; Silverio, Robert; Šimlová, Štěpánka
2010 - anglický
Digitalization has touched every single thing in our environment. We have to think very hard to find something which is not connected to digital technology. Digital photography has been changing photo processes, products, the photo industry and social-connection skills. The development of this sort of photography has had strong effects on other technologies. In its new forms it has been saving lives and causing violence. For some people the fight between film, analogue photography and digital technologies is still very much alive. In digitally manipulated images it is hard to find traces of the original photographs. People are getting a voice. The Internet is supposed to be the most democratic medium. A new form of art is rising. Digitalization has touched every single thing in our environment. We have to think very hard to find something which is not connected to digital technology. Digital photography has been changing photo processes, products, the photo industry and social-connection skills. The development of this sort of photography has had strong effects on other technologies. In its new forms it has been saving lives and causing violence. For some people the fight between film, analogue photography and digital technologies is still very much alive. In digitally manipulated images it is hard to find traces of the original photographs. People are getting a voice. The Internet is supposed to be the most democratic medium. A new form of art is rising. History of digital photography, new ways of seeing, presentation of new forms, classical thesis which cannot be applied on digital media Dostupné registrovaným uživatelům v digitálním repozitáři AMU

Digitalization has touched every single thing in our environment. We have to think very hard to find something which is not connected to digital technology. Digital photography has been changing photo ...

Abram, Uroš; Silverio, Robert; Šimlová, Štěpánka
Akademie múzických umění v Praze, 2010

working title "off-spaces"
Samulionyte, Vilma; Musilová, Helena; Silverio, Robert
2009 - anglický
in my final thesis im planing to analyze off-spaces in istanbul, praha and berlin(?). in the introduction i would like cover the history of exhibition spaces from "kunst camera" to "white cube", explain what is off-space and importance of it. in the research part i would like to do case study of off-spaces in istanbul, prague and berlin(?). in the conclusion part it should be clear what is a good off space and its importance for art scene and young artists. Analýza míst v Istanbulu, Praze a Berlíně Dostupné registrovaným uživatelům v digitálním repozitáři AMU
working title "off-spaces"

in my final thesis im planing to analyze off-spaces in istanbul, praha and berlin(?). in the introduction i would like cover the history of exhibition spaces from "kunst camera" to "white cube", ...

Samulionyte, Vilma; Musilová, Helena; Silverio, Robert
Akademie múzických umění v Praze, 2009

The Misinterpretation of the Image of Middle East in the Media
Puc, Jurij; Dvořák, Tomáš; Kolář, Viktor
2007 - anglický
Moje teoreticka prace analizuje soucasnu interpretace obrazu na stredo vychode. Staci rict ze nas dojem o sredo vychodu a jeji politice situace je docela negativny. Analiza vyvoju bechem dejin byla udelana abich sme lib pochopili proc takova interpretace Stredo vychodu. Je mozne ze slovo Islamicke nosi negativnu akonotace a proc? Analiza soucasne prezentace stredo vychodu ukaze ze zapad nekdy nema dostatecne informaci a kriticitzmu abich lib soudil obrazy ktere dostava ze stredo vychodu. Prehled photografickih medii ukaze na potencialny problemy v interpretace kvuli zapadnemu vztachu k obrazu. The thesis analyzes today?s image interpretation of the Middle East. It would suffice to say that our impression of the Middle East and its current political situation is far from positive. An analysis of the development through history was made, to better understand why do we have such an understanding of the Middle East. Does the adjective Islamic carry a negative image, and if so, why? An analysis of current day media portrayal reveals that the west sometimes lack criticism to objectively judge the images it receives from the Middle East. An overview of different photographic media reveals the potential misinterpretations western infatuation with the image has created. Dostupné registrovaným uživatelům v digitálním repozitáři AMU
The Misinterpretation of the Image of Middle East in the Media

Moje teoreticka prace analizuje soucasnu interpretace obrazu na stredo vychode. Staci rict ze nas dojem o sredo vychodu a jeji politice situace je docela negativny. Analiza vyvoju bechem dejin byla ...

Puc, Jurij; Dvořák, Tomáš; Kolář, Viktor
Akademie múzických umění v Praze, 2007

Contemporary Photography and Politics
Müller, Kristyna; Silverio, Robert; Musilová, Helena
2007 - anglický
In my BA thesis I am exploring photographers that are working with politics, political photographers. They intetionally are photographing to comment or change certain political incidents. Photographers that I am briging up are such as Alfredo Jaar, Raphael Dallporta or Jean-Christian Bourcart. I explore their work with questions like, how they photograph, what political event and how do they work with the viewer. It is a broad subject, and I am trying to give the reader a first meeting with what politics and photography is. V me bakalarske praci zkoumam fotografy, kteri pracuji s politikou, politicke fotografy. Ty kteri fotografuji zamerne politicky, aby mohli komentovat specificke politicke udalosti. Fotografove jako Alfredo Jaar, Raphael Dallporta a Jean-Christian Bourcart. Jejich praci prozkoumavam s otazkami, jak fotografuji, ktere politicke situace a jak pracuji s pozorovatelem. Je to siroke tema, a ja zkousim dat ctenari prvni seznameni s tim, co politicka fotografie je. Dostupné registrovaným uživatelům v digitálním repozitáři AMU
Contemporary Photography and Politics

In my BA thesis I am exploring photographers that are working with politics, political photographers. They intetionally are photographing to comment or change certain political incidents. ...

Müller, Kristyna; Silverio, Robert; Musilová, Helena
Akademie múzických umění v Praze, 2007

Mikrotonální harmonie jako derivát komplexního neharmonického zvukového spektra
Nicholas, Michael; Loudová, Ivana; Bartoň, Hanuš; Pudlák, Miroslav
2006 - anglický
Tato práce reprezentuje moje nedávné studium nového pramenu pro produkci mikrotonální výšky tónu, zejména multifonika dřevěných dechových nástrojů. Začleněním intervalových a někdy i dynamických vztahů těchto komplexních, neharmonických zvukových spekter jsem "objevil" nový zajímavý pramen pro instrumentální barvu tónu a harmonii. Za krátkým výkladem dějin mikrotonality, jak se jí používalo v západní vážné hudbě a několika jejích významnějších představitelů následuje formulování vážných pojmů a objasnění, jak se moje zkoumání liší od bádání jiných současných skladatelů, zabývajících se stejným tématem. Po této předmluvě bude následovat vysvětlení, čím byl ovlivněn můj výběr daného tématu, a popis postupu při studiu tématu, včetně předkládání a vysvětlování výsledků plynoucích z tohoto studia a aplikování těchto výsledků při komponování mojí bakalářské skladby Inferno per orchestra (2005-6). Na závěr bude uvedeno několik možných nápadů pro další bádání. This paper presents my recent research into a new source of microtonal pitch materials, namely woodwind multiphonics. By incorporating the intervallic and sometimes also dynamic relationships of these complex, inharmonic sound spectra, I have "doscovered" an exciting new source for instrumental timbres and harmonies. After a brief history of microtonality, as used in Western Art Music, and of some of its major advocates, I will define some important terms and then distinguish my research from that with which other contemporary composers are currentlyengaged. Following this introduction I will explain what led me to my choice of this topic and demonstrate how I went about my research, presenting and explaining the results of this research and how I used these results while composing my Bachelor´s composition, Inferno per orchestra (2005-6). Finaly, I will suggest some possible ideals for further exploration. Dostupné registrovaným uživatelům v digitálním repozitáři AMU
Mikrotonální harmonie jako derivát komplexního neharmonického zvukového spektra

Tato práce reprezentuje moje nedávné studium nového pramenu pro produkci mikrotonální výšky tónu, zejména multifonika dřevěných dechových nástrojů. Začleněním intervalových a někdy i dynamických ...

Nicholas, Michael; Loudová, Ivana; Bartoň, Hanuš; Pudlák, Miroslav
Akademie múzických umění v Praze, 2006

Colour management of photography
Loizou, Andreas; Petera, Jiří; Hrubý, Martin
2006 - anglický
Light, color and human vision are very complex phenomena. A lot depends on physical, physiological and psychological considerations and affects which effectively alter the response of light towards human vision. Light, color and human vision are very complex phenomena. A lot depends on physical, physiological and psychological considerations and affects which effectively alter the response of light towards human vision Dostupné registrovaným uživatelům v digitálním repozitáři AMU
Colour management of photography

Light, color and human vision are very complex phenomena. A lot depends on physical, physiological and psychological considerations and affects which effectively alter the response of light towards ...

Loizou, Andreas; Petera, Jiří; Hrubý, Martin
Akademie múzických umění v Praze, 2006

O službě

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