Počet nalezených dokumentů: 23692
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Exploring Bubble Dynamics with VOF Method Simulations: Insights from Two Fundamental Gas-Liquid Flow Case Studies
Harrandt, Václav
2024 - anglický
The present study focuses on the flow of Taylor bubbles, representing the interaction between the channel wall and the gas phase, and the collision of\na bubble with a vortex ring, serving as a model liquid-gas interaction. Understanding the former case can be essential to prevent the membrane\nfouling or the flow induced corrosion. The dynamics of the latter case is the predictive criterion for whether the initial mother bubble will break up into the daughter bubbles or not2 and this process can therefore be used as an idealized model of turbulent bubble flow. Klíčová slova: bubble dynamics; multiphase interaction,; numerical simulation Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři NUŠL
Exploring Bubble Dynamics with VOF Method Simulations: Insights from Two Fundamental Gas-Liquid Flow Case Studies

The present study focuses on the flow of Taylor bubbles, representing the interaction between the channel wall and the gas phase, and the collision of\na bubble with a vortex ring, serving as a model ...

Harrandt, Václav
Ústav chemických procesů, 2024

Flow simulations approach for flocculation tanks
Idžakovičová, Kristýna; Bílek, V.; Haidl, J.; Isoz, Martin; Pivokonský, M.
2024 - anglický
Flocculation in water treatment facilities plays a key role in the separation of colloidal inorganic and organic substances. Its optimization leads to a significant increase in its efficiency and savings of operational costs. However, it is currently based on trial-and-error experimental approaches. In this contribution, we focus on flow modeling in stirred flocculation tanks that would, after coupling with a calibrated model of particle aggregation, enable simulationbased flocculation optimization. Despite the abundance of literature on stirred tank modeling, there is no universal agreement on the methodology used to describe turbulence nor on the approach to the computational mesh creation. Consequently, there is no unified methodology for simulations and their validation. To address this, we present a best-practice methodology for economical, yet reliable flow simulations in the said device. This methodology includes the choice of the turbulence model, the approach to the design of a high quality mesh suitable for arbitrary geometries, and results evaluation. It is developed based on an extensive literature review, a multitude of flow simulations using several meshes of progressively higher quality and resolution, and various strategies to converge to steady-state flow conditions. The simulation quality indicators used here involve comparison with the experimental data on fluid velocity, stirrer power output, and flow rate through the impeller zone. Additionally, the resulting flow simulation models are compared using tracer transport simulations, hinting at their potential for coupling with particle aggregation models. Klíčová slova: flocculation tank; stirring; MRF; CFD; OpenFOAM Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Flow simulations approach for flocculation tanks

Flocculation in water treatment facilities plays a key role in the separation of colloidal inorganic and organic substances. Its optimization leads to a significant increase in its efficiency and ...

Idžakovičová, Kristýna; Bílek, V.; Haidl, J.; Isoz, Martin; Pivokonský, M.
Ústav termomechaniky, 2024

Improvement of an unbaffled stirred tank mixing characteristics using variable speed impeller
Gebouský, Ondřej; Haidl, Jan; Bodnár, J.; Pivokonský, Martin
2024 - anglický
Unbaffled mixing tanks with magnetically driven impellers are increasingly used in biotechnological and pharmaceutical industries, combining the benefits of a closed, sterile environment with easy equipment cleanability. On the other hand, missing internals, such as baffles or cooling coils, have an adverse effect on the equipment mixing characteristics, namely the batch\nhomogenization time. In our previous research, we uncovered that the eccentricity and inclination of the impeller – both employed routinely to enhance the mixing characteristics of unbaffled vessels – are not fully effective in the suppression of central vortex formation resulting in the increase in the homogenization time. In this work, we propose a simple solution to counteract the central vortex formation – a periodical variation of impeller rotational speed. This approach destabilizes the central vortex, significantly reducing homogenization time while maintaining the benefits of the original unbaffled setup. This innovation can seamlessly integrate into existing industrial setups, promising efficiency gains for biotech and pharmaceutical production. Klíčová slova: unbaffled mixing tanks; variable rotational speed; vortex destabilization; mixing time improvement Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři Akademie Věd.
Improvement of an unbaffled stirred tank mixing characteristics using variable speed impeller

Unbaffled mixing tanks with magnetically driven impellers are increasingly used in biotechnological and pharmaceutical industries, combining the benefits of a closed, sterile environment with easy ...

Gebouský, Ondřej; Haidl, Jan; Bodnár, J.; Pivokonský, Martin
Ústav pro hydrodynamiku, 2024

Michalcová, A.; Msallamová, Š.; Fink, D.; Friák, Martin
2024 - anglický
The historical organ pipes used to be manufactured from tin and tin-lead alloys. The tin-rich organ pipes usually contained copper as alloying elements, which make them similar to modern lead free soldering materials. The historical organ pipe materials can be used as model materials for natural ageing of soldering materials. Tin pest is a term for modification from white tin to grey tin, which leads to degradation of tin or tin-rich alloys. The influence of individual alloying elements has not been reliably described, yet. Not only on the concentration of the alloying element, but also the distribution may play the important role. In dependence on heat-treatment, the Cu can be in the Sn matrix present in these forms: i) as large intermetallic particles after casting (Cu6Sn5), ii) as solid solution after homogenization annealing and iii) as fine precipitates after ageing. The microstructure of the real historical organ-pipes material was studied and it was proven that contradictionary to the equilibrium phase diagram the Cu enriched was observed. Klíčová slova: Metallurgy; tin; copper; tin pest; tem Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.

The historical organ pipes used to be manufactured from tin and tin-lead alloys. The tin-rich organ pipes usually contained copper as alloying elements, which make them similar to modern lead free ...

Michalcová, A.; Msallamová, Š.; Fink, D.; Friák, Martin
Ústav fyziky materiálů, 2024

Gas sensors based on diamond heterostructures for air quality monitoring
Kočí, Michal; Szabó, Ondrej; Izsák, T.; Sojková, M.; Godzierz, M.; Wróbel, P.; Husák, M.; Kromka, Alexander
2024 - anglický
Currently, great emphasis is placed on air quality and the presence of pollutants. Attention is therefore focused on new gas-sensing materials enabling detection even at low (up to room) temperatures with sufficient response and short reaction time. Here, we investigate the suitability of H-NCD films and their heterostructures with MoS2, GO, rGO, SH-GO, or Au NPs for gas sensing applications. Electrical properties are measured for oxidizing gas NO2, reducing gas NH3, and chemical vapor of ethanol, and at temperatures varied from room temperature to 125 °C. In contrast to the individual forms of employed materials with limited response to the exposed gases, the HNCD heterostructures revealed better sensing properties. In particular, the Au NPs/H-NCD heterostructures revealed a higher response at 125 °C in contrast to H-NCD, MoS2/H-NCD had quite good response even at room temperature and GO/H-NCD revealed high sensitivity to chemical vapor, which further improved for the SH-GO/HNCD. Klíčová slova: gas sensors; nanocrystalline diamond; heterostructures; air quality monitoring Dokument je dostupný na externích webových stránkách.
Gas sensors based on diamond heterostructures for air quality monitoring

Currently, great emphasis is placed on air quality and the presence of pollutants. Attention is therefore focused on new gas-sensing materials enabling detection even at low (up to room) temperatures ...

Kočí, Michal; Szabó, Ondrej; Izsák, T.; Sojková, M.; Godzierz, M.; Wróbel, P.; Husák, M.; Kromka, Alexander
Fyzikální ústav, 2024

The Influence of Geometric Parameters of 3D Printed Structured Beds on Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Trickle-Bed Reactor
Nyklíčková, Kateřina
2024 - anglický
The study examines a parametric set of POCS structures, where cubic cell is the basic element. The parameters such as strut diameter sd and cell size cs were varied1. These modifications are implemented with an emphasis on maintaining similar porosity and specific surface area for these structures. Klíčová slova: trickle-bed reactor; pressure dop; POCS structures Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři Akademie Věd.
The Influence of Geometric Parameters of 3D Printed Structured Beds on Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Trickle-Bed Reactor

The study examines a parametric set of POCS structures, where cubic cell is the basic element. The parameters such as strut diameter sd and cell size cs were varied1. These modifications are ...

Nyklíčková, Kateřina
Ústav chemických procesů, 2024

Surface changes induced by plasma treatment and high temperature annealing of silicon dioxide microparticles
Babčenko, Oleg; Remeš, Zdeněk; Beranová, Klára; Kolářová, Kateřina; Lörinc, J.; Prošek, Z.; Tesárek, P.
2024 - anglický
Due to the high surface to volume ratio, the particles’ surface properties modification defines its properties in general, which is crucial for their use. From this point of view, plasma processing or high temperature annealing can be considered as the universal techniques for efficient modification of materials in the form of powder. In this study, the silicon dioxide microparticles have been treated in a hydrogen, oxygen or vacuum by low temperature plasma or annealing. The change of SiO2 microparticles properties was investigated by photoluminescence spectroscopy at room and low temperature. High temperature annealing in hydrogen induced under UV excitation photoluminescence in the near UV and visible light indicating the change of defect states on the surface of the microparticles. We believe that observed findings clearly demonstrate useful method for analysis of SiO2 microparticles surface modification attractive also for fundamental research. Klíčová slova: silicon dioxide; plasma treatment; annealing; photoluminescence; measuring setup Dokument je dostupný na externích webových stránkách.
Surface changes induced by plasma treatment and high temperature annealing of silicon dioxide microparticles

Due to the high surface to volume ratio, the particles’ surface properties modification defines its properties in general, which is crucial for their use. From this point of view, plasma processing or ...

Babčenko, Oleg; Remeš, Zdeněk; Beranová, Klára; Kolářová, Kateřina; Lörinc, J.; Prošek, Z.; Tesárek, P.
Fyzikální ústav, 2024

Finite element approximation of fluid structure interaction using Taylor-Hood and Scott-Vogelius elements
Vacek, Karel; Sváček, P.
2024 - anglický
This paper addresses the problem of fluid flow interacting a vibrating solid cylinder described by one degree of freedom system and with fixed airfoil. The problem is described by the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations written in the arbitrary Eulerian-Lagrangian (ALE) formulation. The ALE mapping is constructed with the use of a pseudo-elastic approach. The flow problem is numerically approximated by the finite element method (FEM). For discretization of the fluid flow, the results obtained by both the Taylor-Hood (TH) element and the Scott-Vogelius (SV) finite element are compared. The TH element satisfies the Babuška-Brezzi inf-sup condition, which guarantees the stability of the scheme. In the case of the SV element the mesh, that is created as a barycentric refinement of regular triangulation, is used to satisfy the Babuška-Brezzi condition. The numerical results for two benchmark problems are shown. Klíčová slova: finite element method; arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian method; Scott-Vogelius element; Taylor-Hood element Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři Akademie Věd.
Finite element approximation of fluid structure interaction using Taylor-Hood and Scott-Vogelius elements

This paper addresses the problem of fluid flow interacting a vibrating solid cylinder described by one degree of freedom system and with fixed airfoil. The problem is described by the incompressible ...

Vacek, Karel; Sváček, P.
Matematický ústav, 2024

Využití termografie v průzkumech památek
Valach, Jaroslav; Eisler, Marek
2024 - český
Termografie rozšiřuje portfolia metod, jimiž lze studovat vlastnosti objektů okolního světa. Ještě před deseti lety byla tato technologie kvůli potenciálním vojenským aplikacím úzkostlivě kontrolována, což omezovalo konkurenci v nabídce výrobků a výrobců a vedlo k vysokým cenám zařízení založených na těchto principech. Teprve díky uvolnění této kontroly došlo k rozmachu výroby a zpřístupnění zjednodušených výrobků masovému využití, takže si dnes může zákazník například pořídit chytrý telefon s doplňkovým termografickým modulem jen s malým navýšením ceny. Spolu s dostupností zařízení pozorujeme nárůst uplatnění termografie v mnoha oblastech, včetně průzkumů staveb a památek. Thermography expands the portfolio of methods that can be used to study the properties of objects in the surrounding world. As recently as a decade ago, the technology was frowned upon for potential military applications controlled, which limited competition in the offer of products and manufacturers and led to high prices of devices based on these principles. It was only thanks to the release of this control that it happened to expand production and make simplified products available to mass use, so get it today for example, a customer can purchase a smartphone with an additional thermographic module for only with a small price increase. Together with the availability of equipment, we observe an increase in the application of thermography in many areas, including surveys of buildings and monuments. Klíčová slova: thermography; survey of historical structures Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Využití termografie v průzkumech památek

Termografie rozšiřuje portfolia metod, jimiž lze studovat vlastnosti objektů okolního světa. Ještě před deseti lety byla tato technologie kvůli potenciálním vojenským aplikacím úzkostlivě ...

Valach, Jaroslav; Eisler, Marek
Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky, 2024

Emerging Contaminants in Sewage Sludge: Analysis and Their Removal by Pyrolysis
Hušek, Matěj
2024 - anglický
The study continues with flame retardants (e.g., phosphorus-based or brominated) present in sludge, which may pose a hazard to nature and human health3,4. There is a lack of information on their pyrolysis removal and occurrence in the sludge in the Czech Republic. Klíčová slova: sewage sludge; pyrolysis; PFAS; flame retardants Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři NUŠL
Emerging Contaminants in Sewage Sludge: Analysis and Their Removal by Pyrolysis

The study continues with flame retardants (e.g., phosphorus-based or brominated) present in sludge, which may pose a hazard to nature and human health3,4. There is a lack of information on their ...

Hušek, Matěj
Ústav chemických procesů, 2024

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