Počet nalezených dokumentů: 351
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Would Ronald Coase love Bitcoin? How Blockchain Lowers Transaction Costs and Changes the Coasian Firm
Kaid, Amira; Stroukal, Dominik; Prokop, Jaromír
2017 - anglický
Zvyšující se popularita blokové technologie, která je jinak známá jako technologie, která je základem protokolu Bitcoin, byla předmětem velkého průzkumu a nadšení mezi finančními organizacemi za potenciálně revoluční vlastnosti, které pravděpodobně změní fungování ekonomiky v budoucnu. Blokový řetězec je decentralizovaná kniha o otevřeném zdroji, která zaznamenává transakce bitcoin a je spravována distribuovanou sítí horníků. Blokovková technologie však má mnoho aplikací mimo měnu a může být použita v různých oblastech, včetně organizační struktury firmy a práva. Tato práce zkoumá, jak blokovací technologie sníží transakční náklady spojené s organizací firmy a jakým způsobem by to změnilo roli firmy. Coase (1937) ve svém článku (The Nature of the Firm) vysvětlil, že firmy existují a nadále působí hierarchně kvůli transakčním nákladům, které se podílejí na využití tržního mechanismu. Tento článek také zkoumá, jak by bloková klauzule snížila transakční náklady na řešení sporů uskutečněním tržních transakcí, které zmínil Coase (1960) v (Problém sociálních nákladů). K dosažení tohoto cíle se rámec Coases používá teoreticky k modelování budoucího pevného a právního systému, který je založen na blokových řetězcích a používá v transakcích bitcoin. Výsledky naznačují, že bloková technologie by snížila náklady na transakce, které společnost Coase uvedla tak, že by způsobila, že by se firma stala méně hierarchickou povahou a umožnila by jí přijmout integrující a distribuovaný systém řízení. Stejně tak v případě práva by transakční náklady mohly klesat, což by účastníkům usnadnilo vyřešit své spory pomocí tržního mechanismu, místo aby musely spoléhat na ústřední orgán. The rising popularity of blockchain technology otherwise known as the technology that underlies the Bitcoin protocol has been the subject of a lot of investigation and enthusiasm among financial organizations for its potentially revolutionary properties that will likely change how the economy works in the future. The blockchain is a decentralized open source ledger that records bitcoin transactions and is maintained by a distributed network of miners. Blockchain technology however has many applications beyond currency and can be applied in various areas including the firm organizational structure and law. This thesis examines how blockchain technology would lower the transaction costs involved in organizing the firm and how it would thus change the role of the firm. Coase (1937) in his article (The Nature of the Firm) explained that firms exist and continue to operate in a hierarchal manner because of the transaction costs that are involved in using the market mechanism. This paper also examines how the blockchain would lower the transaction costs of resolving disputes through carrying out market transactions that were mentioned by Coase (1960) in (The Problem of Social Cost). In order to achieve this aim Coases framework is used to theoretically model a future firm and legal system which are blockchain-based and that use bitcoin in their transactions. The results indicate that blockchain technology would reduce the transaction costs pointed out by Coase in such a way that it would cause the firm to become less hierarchal in nature and would allow it to adopt a more inclusive and distributed management system. Similarly in the case of law the transaction costs would fall making it easier for parties to resolve their disputes using the market mechanism instead of having to rely on a central authority. Klíčová slova: decentralized; bitcoin; firm; law; Blockchain; smart contracts; transaction costs; law; Firm; Blockchain; decentralized; Bitcoin; smart contracts; transaction costs Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři VŠE.
Would Ronald Coase love Bitcoin? How Blockchain Lowers Transaction Costs and Changes the Coasian Firm

Zvyšující se popularita blokové technologie, která je jinak známá jako technologie, která je základem protokolu Bitcoin, byla předmětem velkého průzkumu a nadšení mezi finančními organizacemi za ...

Kaid, Amira; Stroukal, Dominik; Prokop, Jaromír
Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2017

Investor as Homo Oeconomicus or Human; What Deviates Financial Market Decisions from Rationality?
Vacha, Robert; Chytilová, Helena; Prokop, Jaromír
2017 - anglický
Tato práce se zabývá rozdíly mezi fenomény Homo Oeconomicus a Human a jejich přítomnost na finančních trzích. Dále se zaměřuje na odhalení rozdílů v chování v souladu s těmito fenomény mezi skupinami lidí zapojených do finančních trhů a těmi, kteří se do finančních trhů nezapojují. K tomu používáme experiment s hodnocením založeným na anchoring indexu. Pro účely výzkumu chování v souladu s prospektovou teorií, práce definuje nový index hodnocení lidského chování Human Index, na kterém vyvozuje závěry o těchto dvou skupinách. Výsledky neukazují na významný rozdíl ve sklonu k biasům a marginálnímu rozdílu v chování v souladu s prospektovou teorií, kde skupina, která se podílí na finančních trzích, odhaluje méně chování v souladu s touto teorií. Celkově nejsou zjištěny žádné pozoruhodné rozdíly v chování mezi oběma skupinami, tj. jak skupina lidí, kteří se podílejí na finančních trzích, tak i skupina, která se nepodílí, jsou na velmi podobných úrovních. The thesis deals with the differences among phenomena of Homo Oeconomicus and Human and their presence in the financial markets. Furthermore, it aims at revealing differences of behavior in alignment with the phenomena among groups of people involved and not involved in the financial markets. To do so we use an experiment with its assessment based on the Anchoring Index. For the purpose of the research of behavior in alignment with the Prospect theory, the thesis defines new index of assessment of human behavior the Human Index upon which it draws conclusions about the two groups. The results show no significant difference in propensity to bias and marginal difference in behavior in alignment with the prospect theory where the group involved in the financial markets reveals less Human behavior. Altogether, the findings are no remarkable difference in behavior among the two groups, i.e. both the group of people involved in the financial markets as well as those not involved are Human at very similar levels. Klíčová slova: Očekávání; Finanční trhy; Kognitivní zkreslení; Behaviorální ekonomie; Rozhodování za risku; Decision under risk; Behavioral Economics; Expectations; Perception Bias; Financial Markets Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři VŠE.
Investor as Homo Oeconomicus or Human; What Deviates Financial Market Decisions from Rationality?

Tato práce se zabývá rozdíly mezi fenomény Homo Oeconomicus a Human a jejich přítomnost na finančních trzích. Dále se zaměřuje na odhalení rozdílů v chování v souladu s těmito fenomény mezi skupinami ...

Vacha, Robert; Chytilová, Helena; Prokop, Jaromír
Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2017

M.I.C.E. Tourism as a Human Resources Management Tool (Aplication Study AIESEC)
Pacáková, Kateřina; Abrhám, Josef; Havlíčková, Blanka
2017 - anglický
Bakalářská práce popisuje specifika kongresového cestovního ruchu v obecné rovině i situaci v ČR. Následně pozoruje použití produktů a proces přípravy a organizace akcí kongresového cestovního ruchu ve studentských organizacích, konkrétně v AIESEC Česká republika a ve Studentské unii ČVUT, a představuje souhrnnou metodiku obsahující osm okruhů přípravy těchto akcí za účelem podpory řízení lidských zdrojů. The thesis describes characteristics of MICE tourism in general and in the Czech Republic. It also observes usage and process of preparation of MICE products in student organizations, namely in AIESEC Czech Republic and Student Union CTU, and presents a general eight aspect scheme for organizing such events to ensure their contribution to human resources management. Klíčová slova: MICE; kongresový cestovní ruch; řízení lidských zdrojů; MICE; human resources management; event management Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři VŠE.
M.I.C.E. Tourism as a Human Resources Management Tool (Aplication Study AIESEC)

Bakalářská práce popisuje specifika kongresového cestovního ruchu v obecné rovině i situaci v ČR. Následně pozoruje použití produktů a proces přípravy a organizace akcí kongresového cestovního ruchu ...

Pacáková, Kateřina; Abrhám, Josef; Havlíčková, Blanka
Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2017

US Intelligence Community: Was It Adequately Reformed After 9/11?
Kondrótová, Katarína; Rolenc, Jan Martin; Machoň, Miloslav
2017 - anglický
Cílem této práce bude identifikovat selhání a nedostatky zpravodajské komunity Spojených států amerických, které umožnily provedení teroristických útoků v září 2001, a posléze zanalyzovat, jestli na ně reforma z roku 2004 reagovala adekvátně. Práce bude sledovat vývoj zpravodajských praktik ve Spojených státech, se zaměřením na selhání které nastali před a počas září 2001. Následně rozebere reformní zákon Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act z roku 2004 a zhodnotí, jestli napravil tato selhání a vylepšil tím kontrateroristické opatření v kontextu Spojených států, a teda i mezinárodně. Práce by měla poskytnout odpovědi na nasledující otázky: Byl zákon IRTPA vhodnou reakcí na teroristické útoky v září 2001? Jaký byl jeho dopad na americkou zpravodajskou komunitu? The purpose of this thesis will be to identify the failures and shortcomings of the US intelligence community which allowed the 9/11 terrorist attacks to take place, and analyze whether the subsequent Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 managed to address them appropriately. The paper will examine the development of intelligence practices in the USA, focusing on the failures that occurred before and during 9/11, and analyze the appositeness of the 2004 reform for fixing these failures and improving counter-terrorism measures in the US and internationally. Towards the end, it should provide answers to the following questions: Was the IRTPA a suitable response to 9/11? How did it affect the American intelligence community? Klíčová slova: zpravodajské služby; teroristické útoky 11. září 2001; tajné služby; kontraterorismus; reforma zpravodajství; Spojené státy americké; špionáž; mezinárodní bezpečnost; intelligence reform; counter-terrorism; espionage; secret service; intelligence services; USA; September 11 attacks; international security Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři VŠE.
US Intelligence Community: Was It Adequately Reformed After 9/11?

Cílem této práce bude identifikovat selhání a nedostatky zpravodajské komunity Spojených států amerických, které umožnily provedení teroristických útoků v září 2001, a posléze zanalyzovat, jestli na ...

Kondrótová, Katarína; Rolenc, Jan Martin; Machoň, Miloslav
Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2017

Business plan for Travel Agency "HoneyGo"
Ikhsanova, Adelia; Habrmanová, Blanka; Mareš, Jan
2017 - anglický
The aim of bachelor thesis is to write a business plan for travel agency HoneyGo. The purpose of the plan is to create such marketing strategy to be competitive on the Czech market, and determine strategies of development to promote the product and services of the company. The analysis of the company will be conduct through description of administrative plan, SWOT and PEST analysis. Porter Five analysis will represent how attractive the Czech Tourism market is. After conduction, Five Forces analysis were identified the strategies suitable for HoneyGo. For Marketing plan was used Marketing mix, which consist of Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. The Financial plan will show all costs, and Cash Flow statement. The aim of bachelor thesis is to write a business plan for travel agency HoneyGo. The purpose of the plan is to create such marketing strategy to be competitive on the Czech market, and determine strategies of development to promote the product and services of the company. The analysis of the company will be conduct through description of administrative plan, SWOT and PEST analysis. Porter Five analysis will represent how attractive the Czech Tourism market is. After conduction, Five Forces analysis were identified the strategies suitable for HoneyGo. For Marketing plan was used Marketing mix, which consist of Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. The Financial plan will show all costs, and Cash Flow statement. Klíčová slova: Business plan; Travel agency; Tourism industry; Customer analysis; Company analysis; Customer analysis; Tourism industry; Business plan; Travel agency; Company analysis Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři VŠE.
Business plan for Travel Agency "HoneyGo"

The aim of bachelor thesis is to write a business plan for travel agency HoneyGo. The purpose of the plan is to create such marketing strategy to be competitive on the Czech market, and determine ...

Ikhsanova, Adelia; Habrmanová, Blanka; Mareš, Jan
Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2017

Marketing strategy for internet startup Vegetaria
Protchenko, Angelina; Lukeš, Martin; Mareš, Jan
2017 - anglický
The primary purpose of this Bachelors thesis is to develop a marketing strategy, demonstrating how the new website can be developed and marketed online. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical parts. Theoretical part provides an overview on planning a marketing strategy for a new business in general. It involves definitions and process of marketing, describes a marketing plan structure in detail, outlines main components of marketing mix and illustrates the process of creation and promoting a website. Then the practical part refers to applying theory to practice. In the practical part is examined the market for the website, are identified potential customers and are analyzed the main competitors. Furthermore, this part highlights the key promotional tools to market the website online and estimates the websites first sales at the introduction stage. The primary purpose of this Bachelors thesis is to develop a marketing strategy, demonstrating how the new website can be developed and marketed online. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part provides an overview on planning a marketing strategy for a new business in general. It involves definitions and process of marketing, describes a marketing plan structure in detail, outlines main components of the marketing mix and illustrates the process of creation and promoting a website. Then the practical part refers to applying theory to practice. In the practical part is examined the market for the website, are identified potential customers and are analyzed the main competitors. Furthermore, this part highlights the key promotional tools to market the website online and estimates the websites first sales at the introduction stage. Klíčová slova: Internet marketing; social media marketing; Vegetaria; search engine optimization; pay-per-click; marketing mix; website; vegetarian recipes; marketing strategy; marketing strategy; website; pay-per-click; search engine optimization; Vegetaria; social media marketing; vegetarian recipes; Internet marketing; marketing mix Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři VŠE.
Marketing strategy for internet startup Vegetaria

The primary purpose of this Bachelors thesis is to develop a marketing strategy, demonstrating how the new website can be developed and marketed online. The thesis is divided into theoretical and ...

Protchenko, Angelina; Lukeš, Martin; Mareš, Jan
Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2017

Business environment for SMEs: Competitive comparison of France, Germany, Italy and Spain
Cherniavska, Anna; Habrmanová, Blanka; Mareš, Jan
2017 - anglický
This bachelor thesis is focused on the competitive comparison of business environment for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) within 4 chosen countries, which are France, Germany, Italy and Spain. The main goal is to analyze the economic indicators and the overall business conditions in these countries, and to choose the most favorable in terms of doing business in. Theoretical part of the thesis is devoted to understanding of SMEs principles and the approach of the European Union towards these enterprises. The first practical part analyses the business environment of 4 chosen countries by using PEST analysis. And the second practical part is based on 4 external economic indicators, which are Taxation, Labor cost, Demand, and Ease of Doing Business. The analysis in this part is based on the statics method, which allows to compare each indicator separately, and to create the final ranking of these countries, according to the selected indicators. The result of the thesis shows that the most favorable country, in terms of doing business in, became Germany, which results from 2 analyses were significantly better for SMEs. This bachelor thesis is focused on the competitive comparison of business environment for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) within 4 chosen countries, which are France, Germany, Italy and Spain. The main goal is to analyze the economic indicators and the overall business conditions in these countries, and to choose the most favorable in terms of doing business in. Theoretical part of the thesis is devoted to understanding of SMEs principles and the approach of the European Union towards these enterprises. The first practical part analyses the business environment of 4 chosen countries by using PEST analysis. And the second practical part is based on 4 external economic indicators, which are Taxation, Labor cost, Demand, and Ease of Doing Business. The analysis in this part is based on the statics method, which allows to compare each indicator separately, and to create the final ranking of these countries, according to the selected indicators. The result of the thesis shows that the most favorable country, in terms of doing business in, became Germany, which results from 2 analyses were significantly better for SMEs. Klíčová slova: ease of doing business; labor cost; taxation; PEST analysis; SME; demand; ranking; taxation; ease of doing business; demand; labor cost; PEST analysis; SME; ranking Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři VŠE.
Business environment for SMEs: Competitive comparison of France, Germany, Italy and Spain

This bachelor thesis is focused on the competitive comparison of business environment for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) within 4 chosen countries, which are France, Germany, Italy and ...

Cherniavska, Anna; Habrmanová, Blanka; Mareš, Jan
Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2017

Business plan of „Emily’s Brand” company
Tatusov, Yevgeniy; Habrmanová, Blanka; Mareš, Jan
2017 - anglický
The goal is to create sustainable business plan which is likely to be implemented in real life. The whole work is separated into two parts. Theoretical and Practical. Theoretical part describes general requirements of business plan and especially wide open Financial plan part importance. Theoretical part is a description of running foreign trade company Emilys Brand . Final goal achieved. The goal is to create sustainable business plan which is likely to be implemented in real life. The whole work is separated into two parts. Theoretical and Practical. Theoretical part describes general requirements of business plan and especially wide open Financial plan part importance. Theoretical part is a description of running foreign trade company Emilys Brand . Final goal achieved. Klíčová slova: Emilys Brand; Business Plan; Online Trading; Emily's Brand; Business Plan; Online Trading Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři VŠE.
Business plan of „Emily’s Brand” company

The goal is to create sustainable business plan which is likely to be implemented in real life. The whole work is separated into two parts. Theoretical and Practical. Theoretical part describes ...

Tatusov, Yevgeniy; Habrmanová, Blanka; Mareš, Jan
Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2017

Brand Extension: a Case Study of Starbucks
Bokii, Artem; Machek, Martin; Král, Petr
2017 - anglický
The thesis investigates the topic of brand extension and its importance in the business practice of companies. The theoretical part of the research outlines the key theoretical aspects related to brand and brand extension. The practical part investigates the case study of Starbucks brand extension and compares it with other famous brand extension cases. The paper illustrates how Starbucks brand extension from coffee onto the ice cream market had been successful on the initial stage, and how it failed in the long run, analyzing the key advantages and drawbacks of Starbucks brand extension activities. The thesis outlines how Starbucks brand extension could have been improved. The thesis investigates the topic of brand extension and its importance in the business practice of companies. The theoretical part of the research outlines the key theoretical aspects related to brand and brand extension. The practical part investigates the case study of Starbucks brand extension and compares it with other famous brand extension cases. The paper illustrates how Starbucks brand extension from coffee onto the ice cream market had been successful on the initial stage, and how it failed in the long run, analyzing the key advantages and drawbacks of Starbucks brand extension activities. The thesis outlines how Starbucks brand extension could have been improved. Klíčová slova: Starbucks; consumer behaviour; brand management; brand management; brand extension; customer loyalty; multinational corporations; brand; consumer behaviour; brand management; brand extension; Starbucks Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři VŠE.
Brand Extension: a Case Study of Starbucks

The thesis investigates the topic of brand extension and its importance in the business practice of companies. The theoretical part of the research outlines the key theoretical aspects related to ...

Bokii, Artem; Machek, Martin; Král, Petr
Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2017

Lean Start Up for product SweetBox
Zhavoronkova, Anna; Martínez, Felipe; Andera, Michal
2017 - anglický
This Bachelors Thesis (BT) aims to purpose a guide for the continuous development of the product SweetBox, applying Lean StartUp approach and Operations Management tools. The motivation of this BT development of a start up company, with little investments and resources in possession. To fulfil the aim, a guide for Lean StartUp development is constructed. This BT is built upon usage of Lean StartUp cycle methodology, through preparation of hypothesis and cycles. Each cycle has hypothesis and knowledge to help create and alter the product. By iteration, after three cycles, a primary guide is proposed. This BT evidences the viability of Lean StartUp model. The obtained knowledge facilitates the presentation of the final product version. Interviewers were successfully transformed from non-buyers to buyers and eventual sales figures stabilized. The methodology is recent, introduced in 2011 year. This kind of method for company and product development was originated and mainly applied in Information Technology firms. The BT contributes to the body of knowledge, evidencing that the methodology works and feasible to apply. This BT demonstrates the application of this method in the product producing companies. This Bachelors Thesis (BT) aims to purpose a guide for the continuous development of the product SweetBox, applying Lean StartUp approach and Operations Management tools. The motivation of this BT development of a start up company, with little investments and resources in possession. To fulfil the aim, a guide for Lean StartUp development is constructed. This BT is built upon usage of Lean StartUp cycle methodology, through preparation of hypothesis and cycles. Each cycle has hypothesis and knowledge to help create and alter the product. By iteration, after three cycles, a primary guide is proposed. This BT evidences the viability of Lean StartUp model. The obtained knowledge facilitates the presentation of the final product version. Interviewers were successfully transformed from non-buyers to buyers and eventual sales figures stabilized. The methodology is recent, introduced in 2011 year. This kind of method for company and product development was originated and mainly applied in Information Technology firms. The BT contributes to the body of knowledge, evidencing that the methodology works and feasible to apply. This BT demonstrates the application of this method in the product producing companies. Klíčová slova: Validataed Learning; Lean StartUp; Lean; Build-Measure-Learn roadmap; Minimum Viable Product; Validataed Learning; Lean StartUp; Minimum Viable Product; Lean; Build-Measure-Learn roadmap Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři VŠE.
Lean Start Up for product SweetBox

This Bachelors Thesis (BT) aims to purpose a guide for the continuous development of the product SweetBox, applying Lean StartUp approach and Operations Management tools. The motivation of this BT ...

Zhavoronkova, Anna; Martínez, Felipe; Andera, Michal
Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2017

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