Number of found documents: 455
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Klastry v Jihočeském kraji a Horním Rakousku
2008 - English
Clusters are instrument for improvement of position in a market too. Cluster Formations keep up high part in markets of single sectors and cooperations. Universities and economic chambers arrange getting of new experiences and skills in definite regions. Klastry jsou jednou z možností rozvoje a zvýšení konkurenceschopnosti MSP. Jejich tvorba přispívá i k rozvoji regionu. Keywords: klastr; konkurenceschopnost; spolupráce; MSP; rozvoj klastrů; region Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Klastry v Jihočeském kraji a Horním Rakousku

Clusters are instrument for improvement of position in a market too. Cluster Formations keep up high part in markets of single sectors and cooperations. Universities and economic chambers arrange ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2008

Hlavní překážky v integračním procesu cizinců ze třetích zemí v České republice - Studie: České Budějovice, Jihočeský kraj
2013 - English
This master thesis focuses on the actual problematic of contemporary migration phenomenon and its consequences for the Czech Republic. The aim of the theoretical part is to outline migration patterns in the Czech Republic since the end of the World War II up to the present-day situation, summarize the legislative framework which encompasses the legal stay of the foreigners in the Czech Republic and overview the actual integration Policy and its application. The paper examines in particular the conditions for the non EU nationals, in particular the people with Vietnamese or Ukrainian origin. The aim of the research part is to explore closely the above mentioned nationalities, their integration mechanisms and life conditions in the Czech Republic. Diplomová práce se zaměřuje na aktuální problematiku současného fenoménu migrace a jejích důsledků pro Českou republiku. Cílem teoretické části práce je nastínit způsoby migrace v České republice od konce druhé světové války až do současnosti, přiblížit legislativní rámec, který upravuje právní pobyt cizinců na území České republice a nabídnout přehled současné integrační politiky a její aplikace. Práce je zaměřená zejména na občany mimo země EU, a to zejména lidí vietnamského nebo ukrajinského původu. Cílem výzkumné části je podrobně prozkoumat výše uvedených národností, jejich integrační mechanismy a životní podmínky v České republice. Keywords: Migrace; Imigrant; Integrační politika; Cizinci ze třetích zemí; Integrace cizinců Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Hlavní překážky v integračním procesu cizinců ze třetích zemí v České republice - Studie: České Budějovice, Jihočeský kraj

This master thesis focuses on the actual problematic of contemporary migration phenomenon and its consequences for the Czech Republic. The aim of the theoretical part is to outline migration patterns ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2013

Pragmatic and Semantic Features of English and Czech Public Signs/Pragmatické a sémantické aspekty anglických a českých veřejných nápisů
KREJČÍ, Andrea
2013 - English
This thesis deals with pragmatic and semantic features of English and Czech public signs. In the theoretical part, there are some basic facts about language, its functions, communication, and public signs presented. Moreover, the types of meaning within semantics and pragmatics are introduced. There is also a special focus on the Speech Act Theory, as introduced by J. L. Austin and later developed by J. R. Searle, and the maxims of the Cooperative and Politeness Principles, as proposed by H. P. Grice and G. Leech. The Practical part is based on an analysis of English public notices, which are classified on the basis of Searle's Speech Act Theory and analysed from the viewpoint of the observance or non-observance of the Cooperative and Politeness Principles. Furthermore, each notice is compared with its Czech equivalent. Tato diplomová práce se zabývá pragmatickými a sémantickými rysy anglických a českých veřejných nápisů. V teoretické části jsou předložena základní fakta o jazyce, jeho funkcích, komunikaci a veřejných nápisech. Dále jsou představeny typy významů v rámci sémantiky a pragmatiky. Důraz je kladen na Teorii řečových aktů, jak byla představena J. L. Austinem a později rozvinuta J. R. Searlem, a teorie Kooperativního a Zdvořilostního principu, jak byly předloženy H. P. Gricem. Praktická část je založena na analýze anglických veřejných nápisů, které jsou klasifikovány na základě Searlovy Teorie řečových aktů a následně analyzovány z hlediska dodržování či nedodržování Kooperativního a Zdvořilostního principu. Mimoto je každý nápis porovnán se svým českým ekvivalentem. Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Pragmatic and Semantic Features of English and Czech Public Signs/Pragmatické a sémantické aspekty anglických a českých veřejných nápisů

This thesis deals with pragmatic and semantic features of English and Czech public signs. In the theoretical part, there are some basic facts about language, its functions, communication, and public ...

KREJČÍ, Andrea
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2013

Late Steps in the cytosolic Iron-Sulfur Cluster Assembly in Trypanosoma brucei
HAINDRICH, Alexander Christoph
2015 - English
The aim of this thesis was to investigate genes involved in the late steps of the Cytosolic Iron sulfur cluster Assembly (CIA) pathway in procyclic T. brucei, to determine their cellular localization and find their possible interaction partners and substrates. The aim of this thesis was to investigate genes involved in the late steps of the Cytosolic Iron sulfur cluster Assembly (CIA) pathway in procyclic T. brucei, to determine their cellular localization and find their possible interaction partners and substrates. Keywords: FeS cluster; CIA pathway; Tryanosoma brucei Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Late Steps in the cytosolic Iron-Sulfur Cluster Assembly in Trypanosoma brucei

The aim of this thesis was to investigate genes involved in the late steps of the Cytosolic Iron sulfur cluster Assembly (CIA) pathway in procyclic T. brucei, to determine their cellular localization ...

HAINDRICH, Alexander Christoph
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2015

Optimization of Sensor Chip Functionalization for Biological Interaction Analysis
POSLEDNÍ, Kristýna
2016 - English
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Optimization of Sensor Chip Functionalization for Biological Interaction Analysis

POSLEDNÍ, Kristýna
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2016

Analysis of spore abortion in ferns
2016 - English
Spore abortion rate was studied for a total of 109 samples belonging to 23 fern taxa. The resulting abortion rate was compared within several reproductive and phylogenetic groups. The method of spore abortion estimation was optimized by analyzing the amount of spores needed as well as the potential differences within frond. Spore abortion rate was studied for a total of 109 samples belonging to 23 fern taxa. The resulting abortion rate was compared within several reproductive and phylogenetic groups. The method of spore abortion estimation was optimized by analyzing the amount of spores needed as well as the potential differences within frond. Keywords: apomixis; Asplenium; Dryopteris; ferns; spore abortion Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Analysis of spore abortion in ferns

Spore abortion rate was studied for a total of 109 samples belonging to 23 fern taxa. The resulting abortion rate was compared within several reproductive and phylogenetic groups. The method of spore ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2016

Transgenerational effect in \kur{Taraxacum brevicorniculatum}: test of a novel method of experimental plant DNA demethylation and its practical application in exploring the impact of maternal competition on progeny phenotype
2016 - English
Spray application of 5­azacytidine on established plant seedlings was tested for its demethylating efficiency, as it represents a novel method for plant experimental demethylation with a potentially lower negative impact on plant development compared to the traditional application of the demethytaling agent through germination of seeds in its solution. Further, the 5­azacytidine spray application was used in practice to erase the epigenetic memory in offspring of Taraxacum brevicorniculatum plants from different competitive conditions. The impact of parental competition on the juvenile phenotype was estimated by measuring growth related traits, while the experimental demethylation allowed for evaluating the significance of DNA methylation marks in bioticaly induced transgenerational effects in T. brevirorniculatum. Spray application of 5­azacytidine on established plant seedlings was tested for its demethylating efficiency, as it represents a novel method for plant experimental demethylation with a potentially lower negative impact on plant development compared to the traditional application of the demethytaling agent through germination of seeds in its solution. Further, the 5­azacytidine spray application was used in practice to erase the epigenetic memory in offspring of Taraxacum brevicorniculatum plants from different competitive conditions. The impact of parental competition on the juvenile phenotype was estimated by measuring growth related traits, while the experimental demethylation allowed for evaluating the significance of DNA methylation marks in bioticaly induced transgenerational effects in T. brevirorniculatum. Keywords: transgenerational effect; experimental DNA demethylation; 5-azacytidine; competition; seed mass Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Transgenerational effect in \kur{Taraxacum brevicorniculatum}: test of a novel method of experimental plant DNA demethylation and its practical application in exploring the impact of maternal competition on progeny phenotype

Spray application of 5­azacytidine on established plant seedlings was tested for its demethylating efficiency, as it represents a novel method for plant experimental demethylation with a potentially ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2016

Characterisation of novel serpin TILIr and its relatives from the superfamily of serine protease inhibitors from \kur{Ixodes ricinus} tick
2016 - English
Novel gene, named TILIr ( TIL Ixodes ricinus), that encoded yet unknown protein with TIL domain characteristic to proteins that belong to trypsin inhibitors family was discovered and isolated from hard tick Ixodes ricinus. Two isoforms of novel gene were identified and studied in this project. As the result of this study recombinant TILIr protein was produced in bacterial expression system and analysis of its functional characteristics was conducted. The protein belonging to family of trypsin inhibitors represent a potential candidate for anti-tick vaccine component. Tato práce pojednává o nově objeveném genu z klíštěte Ixodes ricinus, pojmenovaném TILIr (TIL Ixodes ricinus). Protein obsahuje TIL doménu a patří mezi inhibitory trypsinu. Spolu s TILIrem byly analyzovány dvě jeho isoformy. Výsledkem práce byla produkce rekombinantního proteinu v bakteriálním expresním vektoru a jeho funkční analýza. Protein, patřící do rodiny inhibitorů trypsinu, představuje potenciálního kandidáta pro komponentu protiklíštěcí vakcíny. Keywords: serpiny; TILIr; Ixodes ricinus; inhibitory trypsinu Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Characterisation of novel serpin TILIr and its relatives from the superfamily of serine protease inhibitors from \kur{Ixodes ricinus} tick

Novel gene, named TILIr ( TIL Ixodes ricinus), that encoded yet unknown protein with TIL domain characteristic to proteins that belong to trypsin inhibitors family was discovered and isolated from ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2016

The role of CG18446 gene in immune response in \kur{Drosophila melanogaster}
2016 - English
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
The role of CG18446 gene in immune response in \kur{Drosophila melanogaster}

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2016

Southern Gothic: Macabre Heroes in Toole's Neon Bible and McCarthy's Child of God
2016 - English
The aim of this diploma thesis is to compare the protagonists of two novels which are classified as Southern gothic writings: Child of God by Cormac McCarthy, and The Neon Bible by John Kennedy Toole. Although the pivotal characters appear dissimilar, the comparison and analysis of the novels might demonstrate common features and motifs. Studying of Southern gothic phenomena constitutes a background for the analysis, and also the initial part of the thesis. It is focused on a basic characteristic of the genre on the basis of the development of Southern literature. There is an introduction of the most important authors, genres, and typical motifs. The analytical part is prefaced by a reference to the life and work of the writers, as their nature and literary production vary. There is more attention paid to the texts by McCarthy because he has published a larger quantity of books in comparison with Toole. Southern gothic elements are therefore observed and compared in the analysed short novels, and also in other McCarthy's texts. The comparison corresponds to the theoretical ground. Cílem této diplomové práce je porovnání protagonistů dvou novel, které jsou řazeny mezi díla Jižanské gotiky: Dítěte božího od Cormaca McCarthyho a Neonové Bible od Johna Kennedyho Toolea. Ačkoliv se hlavní hrdinové jeví jako odlišní, porovnání a analýza novel by měly prokázat společné rysy a motivy. Studium Jižanské gotiky tvoří pozadí analýzy a také počáteční část práce. Ta je zaměřena na základní charakteristiku žánru na základě vývoje Jižanské literatury. Obsahuje představení nejdůležitějších autorů, žánrů a typických motivů. Analytická část je zahájena odkazem na život a dílo autorů, protože jejich povaha a literární tvorba se liší. Více pozornosti je věnováno McCarthyho textům, neboť v porovnání s Toolem publikoval větší množství knih. Prvky Jižanské gotiky jsou tudíž pozorovány a porovnávány v analyzovaných krátkých románech a také v dalších McCarthyho dílech. Komparace vychází z teoretického základu. Keywords: Americká literatura; jižanská gotika; hrůzní hrdinové; antihrdinové; Cormac McCarthy; Dítě Boží; Lester Ballard; John Kennedy Toole; Neónová Bible; David; groteska; násilí; náboženský fanatismus Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Southern Gothic: Macabre Heroes in Toole's Neon Bible and McCarthy's Child of God

The aim of this diploma thesis is to compare the protagonists of two novels which are classified as Southern gothic writings: Child of God by Cormac McCarthy, and The Neon Bible by John Kennedy Toole. ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2016

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