Number of found documents: 507
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Investment Market Tool for Young People
TORRES GARCIA, Miguel Ernesto
2022 - English
This thesis presents an investment decision tool, allowing to select the best strategy for maximizing their resources, when young people in the Czech Republic are faced with the dilemma of buying a house or living via rent and making an investment with a possible extra money they have. Nowadays, the housing market might be too expensive for the common people. Based on national average dwelling prices and average income, saving for the down payment might take several years. Also, the mortgage monthly payments can take a sizable part of a person income. The tool is written in Microsoft Excel? using VBA programming language to predict investments portfolios return and compare it to a hypothetical mortgage. Several scenarios can be saved for further analysis and the tool has the possibility to include further investment options and prediction techniques. Several examples are given to show the utility as well as a survey of potential users that have evaluated this tool. This thesis presents an investment decision tool, allowing to select the best strategy for maximizing their resources, when young people in the Czech Republic are faced with the dilemma of buying a house or living via rent and making an investment with a possible extra money they have. Nowadays, the housing market might be too expensive for the common people. Based on national average dwelling prices and average income, saving for the down payment might take several years. Also, the mortgage monthly payments can take a sizable part of a person income. The tool is written in Microsoft Excel? using VBA programming language to predict investments portfolios return and compare it to a hypothetical mortgage. Several scenarios can be saved for further analysis and the tool has the possibility to include further investment options and prediction techniques. Several examples are given to show the utility as well as a survey of potential users that have evaluated this tool. Keywords: Mortgage; Investment; Excel; Forecast Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Investment Market Tool for Young People

This thesis presents an investment decision tool, allowing to select the best strategy for maximizing their resources, when young people in the Czech Republic are faced with the dilemma of buying a ...

TORRES GARCIA, Miguel Ernesto
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2022

Advertising on social networks
2023 - English
Exploring companies with active social media accounts increases the number of marketing opportunities. And explore what new, complex and uncontrollable factors social media has introduced to consumer behaviour Exploring companies with active social media accounts increases the number of marketing opportunities. And explore what new, complex and uncontrollable factors social media has introduced to consumer behaviour Keywords: active social mediamarketconsumerbehaviour Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Advertising on social networks

Exploring companies with active social media accounts increases the number of marketing opportunities. And explore what new, complex and uncontrollable factors social media has introduced to consumer ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2023

Comparison of available open-source shopping cart software
HUANG, Shipeng
2023 - English
his thesis aims to compare seven open-source shopping cart software options, including Abante Cart, CE Phonix, Open Cart, Presta Shop, OS Commerce, Pimcore, and Zen Cart. The research will evaluate the user-friendliness, security, scalability, customization, ease of use, reliability, and performance of each software. The goal is to provide a comprehensive assessment for users to make informed decisions when selecting the best shopping cart software for their needs. Additionally, the thesis will provide developers and researchers with the latest information and trends on shopping cart software. The research findings will aid e-commerce companies in selecting the most suitable shopping cart software and enhancing their business efficiency and user experience. his thesis aims to compare seven open-source shopping cart software options, including Abante Cart, CE Phonix, Open Cart, Presta Shop, OS Commerce, Pimcore, and Zen Cart. The research will evaluate the user-friendliness, security, scalability, customization, ease of use, reliability, and performance of each software. The goal is to provide a comprehensive assessment for users to make informed decisions when selecting the best shopping cart software for their needs. Additionally, the thesis will provide developers and researchers with the latest information and trends on shopping cart software. The research findings will aid e-commerce companies in selecting the most suitable shopping cart software and enhancing their business efficiency and user experience. Keywords: e-commerce; shopping cart software; open-source; user-friendliness; security; scalability; customization; ease of use; reliability; performance. Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Comparison of available open-source shopping cart software

his thesis aims to compare seven open-source shopping cart software options, including Abante Cart, CE Phonix, Open Cart, Presta Shop, OS Commerce, Pimcore, and Zen Cart. The research will evaluate ...

HUANG, Shipeng
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2023

Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy using Deep Learning and Transfer Learning Techniques with Oversampling to Address Imbalanced Dataset
2023 - English
The study aims to develop a system for detecting diabetic retinopathy using deep learning. In this study I have explored transfer learning with four distinct models and addressed the issue of an unbalanced dataset with oversampling. The final experiment achieved a significant improvement in accuracy and quadratic kappa score. The study highlights the potential of deep learning and the importance of addressing dataset imbalances for accurate results. The study aims to develop a system for detecting diabetic retinopathy using deep learning. In this study I have explored transfer learning with four distinct models and addressed the issue of an unbalanced dataset with oversampling. The final experiment achieved a significant improvement in accuracy and quadratic kappa score. The study highlights the potential of deep learning and the importance of addressing dataset imbalances for accurate results. Keywords: Diabetic Retinopathy; Deep learning; Transfer learning; Convolutional neural network; Image classification; medical imaging; diabetic macular edema; retinal fundus photographs; comparative analysis; oversampling; accuracy; quadratic kappa score Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy using Deep Learning and Transfer Learning Techniques with Oversampling to Address Imbalanced Dataset

The study aims to develop a system for detecting diabetic retinopathy using deep learning. In this study I have explored transfer learning with four distinct models and addressed the issue of an ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2023

2023 - English
The bachelor thesis focuses on the position of women in the Victorian Era, concretely found in the fiction of Thomas Hardy. The principle of this work is to analyse and characterise Hardy's heroines who, in defiance of the established Victorian social standards, stand out in a crowd. Thomas Hardy brought the female-related issues, at the time mostly overlooked, into focus. We reveal the dissimilarity of the heroines by comparing them to the traditional Victorian portrayal of women. The core of the thesis is the analysis of three feminine-centred novels with their protagonists - Bathsheba Everdene from Far from the Madding Crowd (1874), Eustacia Vye from The Return of the Native (1878) and Tess Durbeyfield from Tess of the d'Urbervilles (1891). The first chapter centres on the description of the Victorian era and its society, especially women and their status in a patriarchal society. The following chapters will be devoted to the above-mentioned female characters and their modern mindsets and attempts to defy the Victorian ideal. These women face the traditional gender roles of Victorian society and struggle for emancipation. Bakalářská práce se zabývá postavením žen ve Viktoriánské době, konkrétně ve fikci Thomase Hardyho. Cílem práce je analyzovat a charakterizovat Hardyho hrdinky, které navzdory zavedeným Viktoriánským společenským normám, vyčnívaly z davu. Thomas Hardy poukázal na problémy tykající se žen, které byly v té době převážně přehlíženy. Porovnáním hrdinek s tradičním představou viktoriánských žen, odhalíme jejich odlišnosti. Základem této práce je analýza tří ženských románů a jejich protagonistek - Bathsheby Everdenové z Daleko od hlučícího davu (1874), Eustacie Vyeové z Rodákova návratu (1878) a Tess Durbeyfieldové z Tess z D'Urbervillů (1891). První kapitola se bude soustředit na popis Viktoriánského období a jeho společnosti, obzvláště žen a jejich status v patriarchální společnosti. Následující kapitoly se budou věnovat již zmíněným ženským postavám, jejich modernímu smýšlení a pokusům vzdorovat Viktoriánským ideálům. Tyto ženy čelily tradičním genderovým rolím Viktoriánské společnosti a usilovaly o zrovnoprávnění. Keywords: Viktoriánské období; ženy; Thomas Hardy; Daleko od hlučícího davu; Rodákův návrat; Tess z D'Urbervillů Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.

The bachelor thesis focuses on the position of women in the Victorian Era, concretely found in the fiction of Thomas Hardy. The principle of this work is to analyse and characterise Hardy's heroines ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2023

Film and Television Adaptations of Oscar Wilde's Novel The Picture of Dorian Gray: A Comparative Analysis/Filmové a televizní adaptace románu Obraz Doriana Graye od Oscara Wilda: Srovnávací analýza
2023 - English
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Film and Television Adaptations of Oscar Wilde's Novel The Picture of Dorian Gray: A Comparative Analysis/Filmové a televizní adaptace románu Obraz Doriana Graye od Oscara Wilda: Srovnávací analýza

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2023

Cyanobacteria and microalgae associated with mosses in wet meadows (High Arctic)
2018 - English
Associations of nitrogen fixing cyanobacteria with mosses in wet meadow habitats of central Svalbard are of significant ecological importance as they represent a dominant nitrogen source. The first aim of this thesis was to find a suitable method to mechanically dislodge cyanobacteria from the moss stems, which would allow subsequent cyanobacterial identification and quantification. The second aim was to perform pilot Sanger sequencing which would allow to obtain another assessment of the cyanobacterial community for future studies of the wet meadow. Associations of nitrogen fixing cyanobacteria with mosses in wet meadow habitats of central Svalbard are of significant ecological importance as they represent a dominant nitrogen source. The first aim of this thesis was to find a suitable method to mechanically dislodge cyanobacteria from the moss stems, which would allow subsequent cyanobacterial identification and quantification. The second aim was to perform pilot Sanger sequencing which would allow to obtain another assessment of the cyanobacterial community for future studies of the wet meadow. Keywords: moss-associated cyanobacteria; dislodging methods; pilot Sanger sequencing; wet meadows; High Arctic Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Cyanobacteria and microalgae associated with mosses in wet meadows (High Arctic)

Associations of nitrogen fixing cyanobacteria with mosses in wet meadow habitats of central Svalbard are of significant ecological importance as they represent a dominant nitrogen source. The first ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2018

The Tendencies in the Formation of Gender-marked Nouns
2016 - English
The aim of the present thesis is to provide description and analysis of the tendencies of gender-marked nouns denoting occupational titles in English. The first part focuses on the ways English language forms gender-specific terms and where gender marking is still relevant. This part deals with detailed analysis of word-formation processes, particularly with lexicalized compounds and suffixation phrases. The second part presents results based on search engine Google N-Gram Viewer which operates with the Google Books database. It gives frequency of masculine and feminine occurrences of competitive forms where not lexicalized compounds are concerned. The thesis is complemented with tables, figures and case studies. Bakalářská práce si klade za cíl poskytnout popis tendencí při tvorbě genderově příznakových podstatných jmen se zaměřením na pojmenování lidských profesí v angličtině. První část se věnuje možnostem, které anglická morfologie nabízí při tvorbě genderově zabarvených výrazů a shrnuje současné tendence při vyjadřování genderu na základě dostupné literatury. Tato pasáž se zabývá podrobnou analýzou slovotvorných procesů, zejména lexikalizovaných kompozit a sufixačních výrazů. Druhá část prezentuje výsledky analýzy založené na vyhledávacím programu Google N-Gram Viewer, jenž pracuje s databází Google Books. Blíže se zabývá frekvencí výskytu maskulinních a femininních tvarů u kompetitivních forem nelexikalizovaných kompozit. Práce je doplněna tabulkami, grafy a studiemi zajímavých případů. Keywords: gender; značení genderu; korpusová analýza; kompetitivní formy Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
The Tendencies in the Formation of Gender-marked Nouns

The aim of the present thesis is to provide description and analysis of the tendencies of gender-marked nouns denoting occupational titles in English. The first part focuses on the ways English ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2016

Narrative Techniques in Bram Stoker's Dracula (Vyprávěcí postupy v románu Brama Stokera Drákula)
2017 - English
In the beginning, the bachelor thesis characterizes the late Victorian era in the context of literature related to Scottish and Irish authors who focused on the era of decadence (Stevenson, Wilde, Stoker). The intention of the theoretical part is to analyze narrative techniques used in Bram Stoker's epistolary novel Dracula. This part of the thesis defines narrative techniques and their function in general. The main intention is the analysis and the application of techniques used in Dracula. The thesis also compares techniques and narrative processes with the characteristics of the Victorian Era and the English literary tradition. Práce v úvodní kapitole nastíní charakteristiku pozdně viktoriánské éry v kontextu literární tvorby skotských a irských autorů se změřením na období dekadence (Stevenson, Wilde, Stoker). Jádrem práce jer rozbor narativních technik použitých v epistolárním románu Brama Stokera Dracula. Teoretickým východisek, práce je definice narativních technik a jejich obecné užití. Hlavním záměrem je rozbor a aplikace zmíněných technik v románu Dracula a souvislost užití těchto metod a vyprávěcích postupů s charakteristikou viktoriánské éry v návaznosti na anglickou literární tradici. Keywords: Bram Stoker; Drákula; narativní techniky; upíři; viktoriánský román Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Narrative Techniques in Bram Stoker's Dracula (Vyprávěcí postupy v románu Brama Stokera Drákula)

In the beginning, the bachelor thesis characterizes the late Victorian era in the context of literature related to Scottish and Irish authors who focused on the era of decadence (Stevenson, Wilde, ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2017

Analýza logistického systému ve společnosti ESAB Vamberk
2007 - English
Project goal was the analysis of the logistics system in the company ESAB Vamberk from the viewpoint of information and materials streams and proposal of problem solving. Interim aim was the analysis of stock control. Method of controlled discussion was applied for acquiring of data. I visited the department of logistics, staff department etc. Cílem této bakalářské práce je analýza logistického systému ve společnosti ESAB Vamberk s.r.o. z hlediska materiálových a informačních toků a navržení vhodného řešení pro eliminaci kritických faktorů. Dílčím cílem je analýza skladového hospodářství zkoumaného subjektu. Pro získání informací byla využita metoda řízeného rozhovorů. Prováděla jsem řízené rozhovory se zaměstnanci z logistického oddělení, kteří mi poskytovali informace pro vyhotovení bakalářské práce. Navštívila jsem i zaměstnance z personálního oddělení, kteří mi poskytli informace o věkové struktuře a vzdělání technickohospodářských pracovníků a dělníků atd. S daným logistickým systémem jsem se seznámila během stáže, kterou jsem absolvovala v délce 6 týdnů. Keywords: logistika; distribuce; sklad; svařovací komodity Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Analýza logistického systému ve společnosti ESAB Vamberk

Project goal was the analysis of the logistics system in the company ESAB Vamberk from the viewpoint of information and materials streams and proposal of problem solving. Interim aim was the analysis ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2007

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