Number of found documents: 192
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Quantitative and qualitative changes of phenolic compounds in alder leaf litter
Elhottová, Dana; Vrchotová, Naděžda; Tříska, Jan; Krištůfek, Václav
2001 - English
Quantitative as well as qualitative changes of phenolic compounds were investigated in different decomposition stages (I-IV) of native alder leaf litter. The Folin-Ciocalteau method was applied for the determination of total phenolic compounds and the reserved phase HPLC for the determination of the phenolic acids. Both values decreased in dependence on stage of litter decomposition. The reduction of the total phenolic compounds and the phenolic acids was 20% and 50%, respectively, in the most decomposed litter (stage IV) in comparison with fresh litter (stage I, 100%). The ratio of free (simple extracted) and bound phenolic compounds (extracted after acid hydrolysis) in the group of total phenolic compounds and phenolic acids was determined. The characteristic feature of the fresh litter (stage I) was higher amount of the free phenolic acids as well as higher ratio of the free phenolic compounds to the bound ones. The following stage II was characterised by two times higher portion of free to bound total phenolic compounds in contrary to phenolic acids where the bound acids dominat ed over the free ones. Higher level of bound to free compounds in both observed phenolic groups was typical for the most decomposed litter samples (stage III and IV).In addition, the stage III and IV were characterised by new compounds, which were formed in the litter during its decomposition and were not detectable in the previous stages (I,II). Keywords: biological degradation; total phenolic compounds; decomposition Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Quantitative and qualitative changes of phenolic compounds in alder leaf litter

Quantitative as well as qualitative changes of phenolic compounds were investigated in different decomposition stages (I-IV) of native alder leaf litter. The Folin-Ciocalteau method was applied for ...

Elhottová, Dana; Vrchotová, Naděžda; Tříska, Jan; Krištůfek, Václav
Ústav půdní biologie, 2001

Dosavadní poznatky o mnohonožkách (Diplopoda) a stonožkách (Chilopoda) na území Šumavy
Tajovský, Karel
2001 - Czech
Keywords: Chilopoda; Diplopoda; Šumava Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Dosavadní poznatky o mnohonožkách (Diplopoda) a stonožkách (Chilopoda) na území Šumavy

Tajovský, Karel
Ústav půdní biologie, 2001

Půdní saprofytické mikromycety ve smrkových porostech Šumavy
Nováková, Alena
2001 - Czech
Keywords: Soil; micromycetes; Šumava Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Půdní saprofytické mikromycety ve smrkových porostech Šumavy

Nováková, Alena
Ústav půdní biologie, 2001

Avenue foundation in extreme conditions special respect to soil quality
Šimek, P.; Šimek, Miloslav
2001 - Czech
Quality of soil environment is an important factor which substantially influences growth of plants. Present paper deals on general features and main parts of soils. The importance of soil air content and composition of soil air together with main principles of movement of gases in soil are described. Soil aeration status, namely low oxygen concentration, both low and high carbon dioxide concentrations and higher ethylene concentrations directly influence plants. Changes in amount and composition of soil air impact a number of soil physical and chemical properties, and by this mechanism also influence plant growth and behaviour. Kvalita půdního prostředí je důležitým faktorem zásadně ovlivňujícím růst dřevin. Příspěvek popisuje obecné rysy a složky půd. Podrobně je popsán význam obsahu vzduchu v půdě, složení půdního vzduchu a pohyb plynů v půdě. Aerační status půdy má přímý vliv na rostliny. Významný je vliv nedostatku kyslíku, vliv nedostatku i nadbytku oxidu uhličitého a vliv zvýšené koncentrace ethylenu. Změny množství a složení půdního vzduchu vyvolávají změny řady fyzikálně chemických charakteristik půdy a tak nepřímo ovlivňují růst a vývoj rostlin. Keywords: soil; air; aeration status; aerologie Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Avenue foundation in extreme conditions special respect to soil quality

Quality of soil environment is an important factor which substantially influences growth of plants. Present paper deals on general features and main parts of soils. The importance of soil air content ...

Šimek, P.; Šimek, Miloslav
Ústav půdní biologie, 2001

B.1. Nesyt
Bubík, M.; Balík, Vladimír; Kopecký, J.
2001 - English
Wetland near the western margin of the Nesyt Lake is the most important and one of the last salt meadows of south Moravia. Many taxa of halophyte plants and halophilous insects have there the only locality within Czech Republic. Sulphates and chlorides in soil come from Miocene sediments with primary marine salt mineralization. The area of salt meadows is State protected as National Nature Reserve "Slanisko u Nesytu". Recently in the incidentally take sample from surface of filled part of lake frequent agglutinated forminifer Haplophragmoides wilberti Andersen were found. Also some other samples taken later near the western margin of the Nesyt Lake were positive. This is the first find of modern foraminifer fauna in the territory of Czech Republic. Similar find reported Bartenstein (1939) from salt ponds from vicinity of Erfurt, Germany. He assigned his find to Haplophragmoides canariensis. His figure shows, nevertheless very similar forms. Keywords: Nesyt Lake; salt meadows Available at various institutes of the ASCR
B.1. Nesyt

Wetland near the western margin of the Nesyt Lake is the most important and one of the last salt meadows of south Moravia. Many taxa of halophyte plants and halophilous insects have there the only ...

Bubík, M.; Balík, Vladimír; Kopecký, J.
Ústav půdní biologie, 2001

The effects of cultivation conditions on polyphenol compounds levels in potato tubers periderm in varieties differing in their susceptibility to common scab
Krištůfek, Václav; Diviš, J.; Dostálková, I.
2001 - Czech
Field and glasshouse trials were performed in 2000 and 2001 to estimate total polyphenol contents in 15 potato cultivars from two sites that differed in the level of scab incidence. Polyphenol content was determined spectrophotometrically by Folin-Ciocalteau reagent at a wavelength 765 nm in tuber peelings of cultivars less and more susceptible to common scab. The polyphenol content of tuber peeling was influenced by cultivar, site, year and age of tuber periderm and was not influenced by maturity. The highest polyphenol content was observed in potato cultivars less susceptible to the scab. Regression analysis showed that negative relation occurs between polyphenol content and potato scab incidence (P=0,006). The polyphenol content significantly decreased during vegetative period. Obsahy polyfenolických látek ve slupkách hlíz brambor byly ovlivněny odrůdou, lokalitou, ročníkem, dobou odběru hlíz a nebyly ovlivněny dobou zralosti odrůd brambor. Odrůdy se lišily obsahem polyfenolických látek ve slupce. Obsah těchto látek ve slupkách patnácti testovaných odrůd, různě citlivých ke strupovitosti, byl nejvyšší u odrůd méně náchylných. Regresní analýza prokázala, že se zvyšujícím se obsahem polyfenolických látek ve slupkách se snižuje stupeň napadení (P=0,006). Schopnost odrůd akumulovat buď více, nebo méně polyfenolických látek se projevila shodně na obou plochách i v nádobovém pokusu. Obsah polyfenolických látek ve slupce hlíz brambor ve vztahu k k výskytu strupovitosti je nutné studovat v období iniciace infekce, tj. v našich podmínkách 60-65 dnů od výsadby. V průběhu vegetace dochází k poklesu obsahu těchto látek ve slupce hlíz a rozdíly mezi odrůdami se snižují. Keywords: polyphenol compounds; potato scab; Streptomyces scabies Available at various institutes of the ASCR
The effects of cultivation conditions on polyphenol compounds levels in potato tubers periderm in varieties differing in their susceptibility to common scab

Field and glasshouse trials were performed in 2000 and 2001 to estimate total polyphenol contents in 15 potato cultivars from two sites that differed in the level of scab incidence. Polyphenol content ...

Krištůfek, Václav; Diviš, J.; Dostálková, I.
Ústav půdní biologie, 2001

Současný stav poznání žížal (Lumbricidae) Šumavy
Pižl, Václav
2001 - Czech
Keywords: Lumbricidae; Šumava Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Současný stav poznání žížal (Lumbricidae) Šumavy

Pižl, Václav
Ústav půdní biologie, 2001

Půdní řasy v různě poškozených smrkových porostech Šumavy
Lukešová, Alena
2001 - Czech
Keywords: Soil; algae; Šumava; nižší rostliny Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Půdní řasy v různě poškozených smrkových porostech Šumavy

Lukešová, Alena
Ústav půdní biologie, 2001

Soil biota succession in colliery spoil heaps - a comparison of unrehabilitated and afforested sites
Pižl, Václav; Frouz, Jan; Tajovský, Karel; Lukešová, Alena; Nováková, Alena; Starý, Josef; Háněl, Ladislav; Balík, Vladimír
2001 - Czech
Communities of soil biota were studied in spoil heaps of the Sokolov coal mining district (Czech Republic) unrehabilitated since heaping, when surface pattern consisting of crests and troughs was created by heaping machinery. Their succession was studied using a deductive method. Difference in succession development of soil organisms in unrehabilitated heaps and in those levelled and rehabilitated by afforestation with black alder were determined by a comparison of their communities in plots of the same age. Půdní organismy byly studovány na výsypkách v Sokolovské pánevní oblasti, na které nebyl po dosypání proveden žádný rekultivační zásah a jejichž povrch byl členěn systémem hřebenů a úžlabí mezi nimi. Pro studium jejich sukcese byla použita deduktivní metoda. Rozdíly v sukcesním vývoji na nerekultivovaných a výsadbou olše rekultivovaných plochách byly zjišťovány porovnáním společenstev půdních biot na stejně starých plochách. Abundance půdních organismů se, s výjimkou hlístic a larev dvoukřídlých v průběhu spontánní sukcese zvyšovaly, narůstal i počet druhů. Výrazná diverzifikace společenstev půdních živočichů však byla pozorována až po více než 20 letech sukcesního vývoje. Rozdílná byla i struktura společenstev půdních biot, přičemž na nerekultivovaných plochách byla zjištěna řada druhů zcela chybějících či jen vzácně nalézaných na zalesněné výsypce. Zachování ploch bez rekultivace může proto významně podpořit celkovou biodiverzitu výsypek. Keywords: soil biota succession; colliery spoil heaps Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Soil biota succession in colliery spoil heaps - a comparison of unrehabilitated and afforested sites

Communities of soil biota were studied in spoil heaps of the Sokolov coal mining district (Czech Republic) unrehabilitated since heaping, when surface pattern consisting of crests and troughs was ...

Pižl, Václav; Frouz, Jan; Tajovský, Karel; Lukešová, Alena; Nováková, Alena; Starý, Josef; Háněl, Ladislav; Balík, Vladimír
Ústav půdní biologie, 2001

Methods of studying of interactions between soil algae and invertebrate animals
Lukešová, Alena
2000 - Czech
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Methods of studying of interactions between soil algae and invertebrate animals

Lukešová, Alena
Ústav půdní biologie, 2000

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